Búið er að opna Íslenskan qualifier fyrir ESL Major Series VII, skráning opnar í dag og líkur á mánudeginum 30.08.10.

Þetta er 16 liða single elimination, nuke,dd2,inferno
umferðirnar eru spilaðar á mánudeginum og þriðjudeginum(31.08.10)

nánar um EMS:

What is the ESL Major Series?
The ESL Major Series is a series of prize winning eSports tournaments hosted by the Electronic Sports League. The tournaments are the highest level of European competition for the ESL for games not included in the Intel Extreme Masters.

How can I take part?
To take part in the ESL Major Series you or your team must qualify through your country's national qualifier. The qualification for each game differs for each country, sometimes it can be the ESL Pro Series, ESL Amateur Series, a national league or open qualifiers. If a country does not have its own qualification then you will be able to qualify through the European qualifier.

Heildarverðlaun fyrir css er u.þ.b 500.000kr, Það kostar ekkert að taka þátt.
veitt eru verðlaun fyrir efstu 16 sætin.

http://www.esl.eu/nordic/css/5on5/ems_vi_qis/signup - Skráning 
http://www.esl.eu/nordic/css/5on5/ems_vi_qis/database/members - Skráð lið 
http://www.esl.eu/nordic/css/5on5/ems_vi_qis/rankings - Staðan í brackets 
http://www.esl.eu/nordic/css/news/132873/ - EMS

rws, seven, celph, kutter?, 1.6 í SOurce EÐA HVAÐ?!?!?! :D
[14:29] <fmtoxic|kAJSK1N> Ice|EldJarn is away: Climbing mountain