[-]April 22, 2009 - Counter-Strike 1.6 Update Released

Updates to Counter-Strike 1.6 have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Counter-Strike 1.6

* Fix the wrong sounds being played on jump when moving to different surfaces
* Fixed crash in the spectator UI when hitting tab

[-]April 20, 2009 - Counter-Strike and Condition Zero Update Released

Updates to Counter-Strike and Condition Zero have been released. The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The specific changes include:

Counter-Strike and Condition Zero

* Prevent Russian Walking exploit

Server changes

* Fixed players being kicked from servers with an INVALID_STEAM_TICKET rejection
* Added a message to the server console to show when the server has reconnected to Steam
* Made map name and other variables reported by the server stay more current
* Fixed mp_timeleft not updating in server rules (or any unlogged cvar for that matter)
* Show HLTV being connected in the player count for pings
* Fixed HLTV staying in players list even after disconnect
* Fixed server hang when a user connects with a specially crafted info string
* Fixed occasional crash under Linux on startup for SMP machines (Linux)
* Cleaned up hlds_run script (Linux)

Eftir að hafa uppfært steam clientinn minn og uppfært Tal.is leikjaþjóna er CS fixið komið í gegn, þ.a.l ef þið rs-ið steam og notið Tal.is þjón þá heyrist ekki lengur í ykkur hoppa sem eru gleði fréttir.

Benda simnet admins á það líka að uppfæra þjónana svo þetta lagist þar líka ;)
seven william