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Ég hef tekið eftir því undanfarið að menn hafa velt því fyrir sér hvort Counter-strike sé nægilega vinsæll á Íslandi til þess að hægt sé að halda uppi stórri CS síðu með skemmtilegum pistlum og þessháttar.
Þar sem við erum lítil þjóð og erum flest okkar mjög stollt af okkur sjálfum þá hefur það verið erfitt fyrir hvern og einn að deila með sér, menn vilja hafa hlutina mikið útaf fyrir sig og helst ekki gefa neinum bita af kökunni..

Mín skoðun er sú að við ættum að hætta að væla og gera hlutina almennilega!
Við höfum nóg af fólki til að vinna með og hefur CS samfélagið á Íslandi stækkað sem aldrei fyrr síðustu mánuði, gamlir cs spilarar að byrja aftur og margir nýjir að koma inn. Þegar ég byrjaði að spila CS sem er fyrir mörgum árum þá voru ekki svona margir að spila, ég myndi giska á það að um 100% fleirri séu að spila cs nú í dag en fyrir 4 árum!

En þetta er aðeins til að fá fólk til þess að sjá hlutina í öðru ljósi frekar en myrkri og mögulega vilja deila með sér. Það hefur nefnilega margsinnis sannað sig um heim allan að hlutirnir ganga mun betur upp ef hlutirnir eru framkvæmdir af mörgum frekar en fáum!
“Margar hendur vinna létt verk”

En á öðrum nótum þá ætla ég að stytta aðeins útgáfuna frá wikipedia og taka út það sem mér finnst áhugavert sem má finna á þeirri síðu :-)
Hér að neðan er flest allt skrifa á ensku


Counter-Strike is a first-person shooter in which players join either the terrorist or counter-terrorist team (or becomes a spectator). Each team attempts to complete their mission objective and/or eliminate the opposing team.
Players are generally given a few seconds before the round begins (known as “freeze time”) to prepare and buy equipment, during which they cannot attack or walk/move (a player can still take damage, having the player drop from a certain height during freeze time was the only way somebody could control the players starting “HP”)


Counter Strike has been a prime target for exploitation by cheaters since its release. In-game, cheating is often referred to as “hacking” in reference to programs or “hax” executed by the user.

Typical cheats are:

* Wallhacks, which allow the player to see through walls. These work by altering the display driver to display objects that are normally obscured, or altering game textures to transparent ones. The only objects seen on the hacker's screen are those close by. The server will not send you the characters of the whole map, so you can not see across the whole map.

* Speedhacks, which give the player increased speed. These work by sending false synchronization data to servers.

* No recoil, which keeps the player's gun shooting straight on the y axis without a kickback by removing gun physics. No spread is used to make a player's gun shoot straight along the x axis.

* Aimbots, which helps the player aim at enemies. These work by moving the player's view to anticipate an enemy's position.

* ESP, which shows textual information about the enemy, such as, health, name, and distance, and also information about weapons lying around the map, which could be missed without the hack

* Barrel hack, which shows a line that depicts where the enemy is looking

* Anti-flash and anti-smoke, which remove the flashbang and smoke grenade effect. This branched off the wall hack.

Valve has implemented an anti-cheat system called Valve Anti-Cheat (VAC). Players cheating on a VAC enabled server risk having their account permanently banned from all VAC secured servers.

With the first version of VAC a ban took force almost instantly after being detected, and the cheater had to wait 2 years to have the account unbanned.[4] Since VAC's second version, cheaters are not banned automatically. Rather, they are banned according to a delayed banning system, and bans are permanent. Many cheats are still not detected by VAC, and often the only effective anti-cheat solution is a human administrator watching an online game. (Some servers implement a vote system, in which case players can call for a vote to kick or ban the cheater.) VAC, while being effective in some ways, has also provided a boost in the purchasing of private cheats. These cheats are updated frequently, as to prevent detection, and are available to those who pay to use them or to those in the community or clan.


On 24 March 1999[verification needed] Planet Half-Life opened its Counter-Strike section. Within two weeks, the site had received 10,000 hits. On June 18, 1999, the first public beta of Counter-Strike was released, followed by numerous further “beta” releases. On April 12, 2000, Valve announced that the Counter-Strike developers and Valve had teamed up. Counter-Strike 1.0 was released around Christmas 2000. On January 25, 2003, a world wide competition was held by Valve and hosted by Dell. Numerous Dell desktops and laptops were awarded in the competition which attracted over 10,000 participants. The competition was held over a two week period, with the winner (“b0b”) being announced on February 15 on Valve's website.[citation needed] On 15 September, the current version, 1.6, was released.

In 2004, Counter-Strike: Condition Zero was released. It contained a single player campaign and bots, as well as other changes.

Það má svo finna fullt fullt af fleirri skemmtilegum upplýsingum um Counter-strike og um Half-life leikina á síðunni http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Counter-Strike

Vonandi var lesturinn skemmtilegur og jafnvel fékk ykkur til þess að fara inná wikipedia til þess að fræðast meira um leikinn sem okkur finnst skemmtilegt að spila!

p.s. Þar sem ég talaði mikið í myndlíkingum efst í greininni þá eru þeir velkomnir að spyrja mig útí þær sem skilja þær ekki! En munið að hugsa áður en þið skrifið því það getur litið asnalega út fyrir ykkur ef þið skiljið ekki einföldustu myndlíkingar ;) hehe