Er með flatskjá en get fengið mér frekar stóran túbuskjá..
Ætti ég að halda flat eða fá mér einn gamlan túbu sem ég á. btw hef aldrei profað cs i tubu.
I g0t c00k13$
Hz = cycles per second
Fps = frames per second
For example, a card may render a game at 100 FPS on a monitor running 75 Hz refresh, but no more than 75 FPS can actually be displayed on screen.
Liquid crystal displays
Much of the discussion of refresh rate does not apply to the liquid crystal portion of an LCD monitor. This is because while a CRT monitor uses the same mechanism for both illumination and imaging, LCDs employ a separate backlight to illuminate the image being portrayed by the LCD's liquid crystal shutters. The shutters themselves do not have a “refresh rate” as such due to the fact that they always stay at whatever opacity they were last instructed to continuously, and do not become more or less transparent until instructed to produce a different opacity.
The closest thing liquid crystal shutters have to a refresh rate is their response time, while nearly all LCD backlights (most notably fluorescent cathodes, which commonly operate at (~200Hz) have a separate figure known as flicker, which describes how many times a second the backlight pulses on and off.
svona tölvuflatskjáir eru alltaf í miklu hærri upplausn
Var þetta ekki til t.d. þegar ég var í þýskalandi að leita mér að flatskjá og höfðu þeir ekki hugmynd um þessa nýlegu tækni að ná 100hz á flatskjá (venjulegir flatskjáir oftast 60hz)