Ég var að kaupa source í gegnum steam, svo kemur það að steam náði ekki sambandi þegar ég var búinn að borga fyrir leikin. leikurinn er nú í my games, ef ég klikka á hann þá kemur “Your purchase is still being processed - Steam will notify you when the transaction is completed. Untill then, the game is not available to play.”
svo ef ég reyni að klikka aftur á purchase á leiknum, þá kemur “You already own Counter-Strike: Source.” Hvað á ég að gera til þess að komast í source.

Bætt við 3. mars 2007 - 17:06
Dear *** (Steam account name: ***),

Thank you for your recent purchase. Counter-Strike: Source is now available in
your Steam “Games” window. To play, just double-click on the name of a game in
this list.

Your credit card has been charged as detailed below. This email serves as your

Product Cost
Counter-Strike: Source $ 19.95

Tax (Iceland) $ 0.00
Total $ 19.95

Currency: U.S. Dollars
Credit card type: ***
Card number: ***
Card Holder: ***
Approval Code: ***
Transaction Confirmation: ***
Date Confirmed: 3/3/2007 08:10:20

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email us at steamsupport@support.steampowered.com


Valve and the Steam Support Team

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