Varúð Allt er á Ensku :D
1. When you're bored, you go through reload anims.
2. You go running outside with a knife.
3. You start naming weaponry you see in films, cartoons, music videos etc.
4. You use the terms “leet” and “noob” in you conversations.
5. You stop buying toilet paper to save up money for an AWP.
6. Whenever you get near a numpad you type 7-3-5-5-6-0-8
7. You reply to people in radio commands, such as “Affirmative” and “Negative”
8. On forums or MSN, you press “Y” or “U” to talk.
9. When you wake up, you think that your alarm clock beeping is a bomb about to explode.
10. You are scared to walk in the street because you don't want to get awped.
11. If people stop moving for more than 30 seconds you accuse them of camping
12. You throw a ball at someone's head, miss, and scream “OMFG, HITREG!”
13. When you see an ugly building, you said “THIS MAP SUCKS!”
14. When you see a olympic runner you shout “OMFG SPEEDHAX”
15. Any time a movie or TV character gets a headshot you yell out “BOOM! HEADSHOT!”
16. You have more friends on xfire then you do in real life.
17. You find your fingers resting on WASD, even when surfing the web.
18. If you go into a smoky pub, you worry your FPS will drop.
19. Whenever it's a foggy day you mumble something about draw distance.
20. You throw a can in the trash with a triumphant shout of “fire in the hole!”
21. You try to carry something up a ladder backwards and wonder why its not working.
22. When it's dark you try to hit the “F” key.
23. You know exactly what $3500 can buy.
24. You accidentally let slip with woot! because it's the only word you now know for happiness.
25. You have more than 20 CS websites in your favourites.
26. You attemt to noscope a small animal.
27. You succeed in noscoping a small animal.
28. You refer to the teachers lounge as T-spawn.
29. You have at least one CS:S shirt
30. You ask what “sv_gravity” is set at when playing dodgeball.
31. You never ever change clothes because you're afraid of Consistency errors.
32. You wish your school was a CS map.
33. When someone hits you hard, you try to re-enact death anims
34: You blame poor test scores on hit boxes and high ping.
35. You often wonder; is CS better than sex?
36. You stop wondering and attempt to have sex with CS.
37. When you plan to spend EVERY WEEKEND with your girlfriend . . .
38. . . . but you refer to CS:S as your girlfriend.
39. You strafe supermarket aisles.
40. You wear your headphones 24/7.
41. You refuse to walk into any room without chucking in a flashbang beforehand.
42. You go to get a midnight snack and press <shift> in an attempt to make less noise.
43. You go camping in the woods for a very, very long time.
44. When an automatic door opens you shout “ Go!, Go!, Go! ”
45. When you eat you keep switching rapidly between your fork and your knife.
46: You wake up, wake up your brother\sister\mom\cat\dog and whisper “OK Lets go”.
47. You call your parents “n00bs”.
48. They reply with “zomg stfu f4g”
49. When someone's staring into space, you shout out “AFK!”
50. When you are in a situation of stress, you yell out: “NEED BACKUP!”
51. You put a yellow picture of a speaker above your head when you talk.
52. You peer into everyone concievable corner someone could fit into while walking through a room.
53. You make shapes, faces, or sentences out of bullet holes with your weapon of choice.
54. You call everyone “HACKERS!!” in real life.
55. When someone in front of you is walking slow you yell “LAG”.
56. When somebody blocks a doorway you threaten to tell an admin.
57. When surfing the web you keep moving the mouse in perfectly horizontal lines.
58. You see something in real life and think: That'd be good for a css skin.
59. Not only do you know a gun from cs when you see it in a movie, you notice they reload it quicker than in the game.
60: You think walking will make you silent.
61. When someone is playing annoying music you try to type MOTD
62. You see nothing wrong in staying up 24 straight hours having a LAN party.
63. Everytime a metal object falls on the ground you close your eyes and look away, thinking it is a flashbang
64. When someone asks a question, you respond by saying “f10”
65. When you have to take a dump you say “afk for 2 rounds!”
66. You go up to a McDonald's Drive Through and ask for “a b-4-3 with a side of b-6, a b-1-4 with a b-7 sauce; throw a couple of b-8-3's in there with a b-8-4, and give me some b-8-2”.
67. You pick up a toy gun and complain about the model inaccuracy.
68. You refer to a dent in a car as “smoothing errors”.
69. You start seeing ammo numbers on the edges of your vision.
70. You constantly miss social occasions just to play cs
71. You watch a special forces movie, and think of how you could pwn those n00bs.
72. you stop masturbating because you think your neighbor has wallhacks
73. When in a long queue, you complain the people in front of you are blocking.
74. You claimed that you lagged after someone went and beat the **** out of you.
75. You see a white, beat-up, burned-out van, and think of de_dust2.
76. When you know the damage of each weapon off the top of your head.
77. Anyone says the work hack-saw and you hold back the words lol noob.
78. You log onto xfire and have 4 or more digits in your total time playing css.
79. you get done with a 12-hour cs:s marathon, switch off your PC, and see the headshot icon in the corner of your vision for the rest of the night.
80. You have dreams of cs:s maps
81. You venture outside and say “wow these graphics are so realistic.”
82. You're a regular on more then 10 servers
83. You sell all of your possesions so you can pay for a faster internet connection.
84. Your friends talk about going to a party and you ask if its a LAN party.
85. You open your curtains in the morning, and complain about the HDR blinding you.
86. You tell CS:S stories to people, assuming they play CS:S.
87. A woman asks for your number and you give her your steam id.
88. Your boss catches you sleeping at work, and you scream “zomg ADMIN! Wallhack!”
89. When you tag over somebodys tag in real life
90: You kill someone in an airsoft game.
91. You have spent more hours in your computer chair than in bed
92. You refer to your parents or figures of authority as Admin
93. When you play cs you know not only the people playing, but you know their favourite weapons
94. You have a favourite weapon
95. You try and find and use the “use” key when you stand in front of closed doors.
96. You refer to the personal belongings (such as your schoolbooks and CD player, not your M4) that you carry on you as your “inventory”.
97. You destroy the property of others, such as TVs, phones, radios, etc., believing that it will all simply respawn next round.
98. You know how to model and skin a weapon, but don't actually do it.
99. When in a supermarket, you start pressing the buttons on your mobile expecting your buy script to work.
100. You know who FPS Doug is…
101. … and you act like him.