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Þetta er guide til að halda bombsite B dust2 í Source.

GUÐ MINN GÓÐUR allt sem ég las í þessu er svo bjánalegt og lét mig fá kaldan hroll að lesa.

Svo við tökum dæmi
Be careful not to get killed by a bug that can affect you while on the back of the platform. If you move back too far, you will “sink” into the ground and not be able to see over the rock. However, since this is a POV bug, the Terrorists can still see your head.

HE in the doorway will damage and “stun” them, halting the entire rush. The HE is very powerful in this situation due to the fact that, if hit by it, it causes you to move slowly for a second. The hallway is narrow enough that if the lead rusher gets paralyzed, everyone behind him will be caught in a traffic jam situation

Burt með þennan sora af þessum kork ASAP ;)