OK, Ef maður er stopp i tolvuleikjm tha fer marr a google ogskrifar “leiknafn walkthrough” ég for a hl1 walkthrough, og til ad drepa skepnuna geriru etta: Once all three green triangles are destroyed, Nihilanth is ready to have his ass kicked. Take the bouncy craters to vault yourself up above his now-opened skull, and unload the strongest weapons you have into his exposed brain. MP5, egon, shotgun, whatever you have will work; you can even toss in snarks or detpacks, and the true warriors will pith Nihilanth's brain using the crowbar…. Eða þar ad segja, eidaleggaj 3 kristallanna og svo attu ad sja heilann á skepnuni og skjottu thar besta vopni..