Þetta er brot úr viðtali við Doug Lombardi, svolítið langt en…lesið þetta.

Eurogamer: Can you foresee Half Life being made into a movie?

Doug Lombardi: You know, we've been approached by just about every major studio there is and a lot of those meetings are confidential so I can't tell you who we've met, but we've met with some pretty serious players. And every treatment that I've seen for a Half-Life movie has stunk so badly I didn't even want to be in the room with the script! I mean, it was just awful.

Eurogamer: Have you actually been offered money as well?

Doug Lombardi: Yeah, the whole deal, y'know people say ‘here’s what it looks like, here's the treatment' the whole thing. Y'know, fly you down to LA, put you in a limo, introduce you to movie stars that want to star in the movie, the whole thing. It's like; we're not going to do that. We're not going to make another bad movie.

Eurogamer: Are you just waiting for the right treatment to come along?

Doug Lombardi: If one comes along we'll do it, if not… We're in this business to make games, right, we're doing pretty well for ourselves making games, there's no need.

Eurogamer: Who would you like ideally as a lead?

Doug Lombardi: Myself! [laughs] It changes, y'know, In the day when Half Life first shipped we thought Harrison Ford would make a pretty good Gordon, but these days Harrison would be better as Gordon's dad, so that's probably not the right guy. For a while there were some people that Edward Norton would be a pretty good Gordon… I dunno. I think it would actually be pretty cool if we got someone who nobody had ever heard of before who's really talented and that's where they got the break. I think it would sort of go back to how we would want to play the movie in general. Y'know, we don't want to do the big Hollywood cheesy scene where Gordon falls in love at the end, y'know, the G-Man pulls off a mask and says ‘I’m your father!' or whatever.

Eurogamer: Do you see it as more of a serious low budget film than a blockbuster?

Doug Lombardi: I dunno, I think it would be really cool if someone who's really well known, a Sam Rami or somebody like that could get into it and take a multi-million dollar budget and went crazy with it and had great sets and great stunts - I think it could be cool that way. I think it could also be really cool done on a million dollar budget with three cameras and bunch of unknown actors - it's going to be the treatment and the way it's pulled off that will make it.

But again, at this point, we've been round that track so many times, it's left us so disenchanted with the idea that it's now like, pffft, whatever.

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