OK, so now the Half-Life 2 delay has finally been officially confirmed by Valve. They're, “currently targeting a holiday release,” which is the same thing Vivendi told us back in July.
Like I've said (endlessly), I don't care for how Valve handled this situation.
They should have confirmed the delay earlier, not one week away from HL2's supposed release. I think telling the European press at ECTS (less than a month ago) that the, “release date is unchanged,” was irresponsible. Good marketing? Maybe. A nice way to treat your fans? No.

That being said, dwelling on the delay won't do anyone any good. Bitching and moaning about it won't accomplish a damn thing.

The bottom line is that Half-Life 2 is going to ship eventually, and it's almost certainly going to be worth the wait. In the meantime, there are still plenty of other games and HL mods to play.

Tók þetta af <a href="http://www.planethalflife.com/">http://www.planethalflife.com/</a> ..

Sést greinilega þarna að menn eru ekki alveg ánægðir með hvernig
Valve tók á essum málum með “delay” dæmið.
Ég sjálfur er alveg sammála essum orðum.

Þeir gátu alveg látið okkur vita aðeins fyrr,
þetta er engin flýti ákvörðun,
þeir voru alveg örugglega búnir að ákveða þetta..
En já, eins og þetta segjir, Þá kemur leikurinn út,
hvort sem honum verður “delayed” eður ey..
Bara bíðið og skemmtið ykkur í öðrum HL mods á meðan..

Ást og kær kveðja..
<br><br><font color=“white”>.</font>
<b>D</b>aníel <b>C</b>ramer

“ If Everybody Was A Fruit.. Then I'd be a banana..”

<b>H</b>atred / <b>y</b>amakazi

“ If Everybody Was A Piece of meat.. Then I'd still be a banana.. People Never Change ”