DAMN! :P “Sniðugt” hjá Valve að tilkynna seinkun viku áður en leikurinn á að koma út *grrr* Núna stefna þeir á að koma honum út fyrir jól!
Doug Lombardi, Valve:
“The previously announced September 30th release date for Half-Life 2 is being pushed back. We are currently targeting a holiday release, but do not have a specific ”in-store“ date to share at this time. We will release that information as soon as we have confirmed a new date.”
<a href="http://www.shacknews.com/onearticle.x/28497“>Seinkun</a>
”Programming today is a race between software engineers striving to build bigger and better idiot-proof programs, and the Universe trying to produce bigger and better idiots. So far, the Universe is winning." (Rich Cook)