fyrst kemur skotið frá CS manni
I would like to point out that by far the most played game right now is a First-Person-Shooter which touts itself as realistic combat.
That sorta disproves everything Onslaught is saying about realistic games :P
og svo svarið frá onslaugt
Cs is most played yes, however it will never be a professional game! It is a game which anyone can become good at in no time and that is why it is popular! It is a random shit game, in which everyone is sitting behind boxes and the like and waiting for the opponent to show his ugly face. It can never be professional because it caters to unserious gamers!
ekki að ég vilji vera með leiðindi en ég hef prófað báða leiki og hugarfar leikmanna á vel við þessar lýsingar, málið er að CS rúlar á meðan quake er einhver furðuleg trúarmál fyrir furðufugla :)