Nýtt mod var gefið út nýlega byggt á Warhammer 40k :
<i> “ Welcome to the universe of Warhammer 40,000. Warhammer 40,000 is a a game of tabletop warfare set in the dark nightmare future of the 41st Millennium. There you command powerful armies of stalwart Space Marines, hard-bitten Imperial Guardsmen, bestial Orks or other deadly warriors as they struggle for survival across the battlefields of a thousand different worlds. Colossal mechanical war machines, crushing artillery and vast starships are also at your disposal to crush your enemies into nothingness. Follow the links below to discover more about this terrifying galaxy of eternal war, if you dare… ”
moddið lúkkar alveg og það eiga víst að vera víhikúls og dóterí
<a href="http://www.gotfrag.com/?node=comnews&id=1871&x=“>Listi yfir downloadable staði utanlands (admins rig it to hugi! :) ) </a><br><br>_______________________
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