MurK vs. 3D: After beating some of this season's top clans such as zEx and aoX, MurK seems to be showing that it was not a mistake for them to be brought up to CAL-I. However, even though 3D does not seem to be taking their online play as seriously, the severe ping advantage will carry them easily through this victory. If you match reputation (3D) with record (MurK), this looks like a really good match, but nuke is one of 3D's best maps, and I expect to see them come out well on top of murk. 3D > MurK: 16-8
Murk stóðu sig etur en Cs nation héldu :) ég er stoltu af kögglunum mínum. þeir hefðu tekiðda ef þeir hefðu verið með þeirra ping atvantec <br><br><font color=“#FF3333”>[</font><font color="#008080">+</font><font color="#FF3333">]</font>++++++++++++++++++<font color=“#FF3333”>[</font><a href=""><font color="#008080">+</font></a><font color="#FF3333">]</font> <b>[+]Cs:</b><font color=“#FF0000”>[?]Nuker</font> <b>[+]DoD:</b><font color=“#008080”> Nuker</font> <b>[+]Rl:</b><font color=“#666666”>Sverrir/pimp or s0me </font> <font color=“#FF3333”>[</font><a href=""><font color="#008080">+</font></a><font color="#FF3333">]</font>++++++++++++++++++<font color=“#FF3333”>[</font><a href=""><font color="#008080">+</font></a><font color="#FF3333">]</font
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