In the past week or two I've had a great deal of feedback on the CPL maps and to this end, I've updated them both to reflect the changes suggested during their testing.
Let's start with de_cpl_fire:
The two biggest issues with fire were the lack of routes to the bomb sites and the ability for CT players to boost onto the middle catwalk near the fence. I've added 2 new routes and extended the fence, forcing CT's to spend and extra second or two to boost onto the catwalk. If the problems remain, it will be fenced off altogether. The map has been given a facelift, it's nothing fancy but an improvement on the old look.
-map remade from scratch to keep brushwork up to date with other maps.
-new looks, new artwork.
-added 1 new bombsite route to EACH bomb site.
-slight tweaking to current layouts to reflect gameplay issues.
-fixed some clipping issues
-revised level banners
-added bombsite labels
-fixed issues with “fences” blocking bullets
-added extra cover in hallways
-some lighting tweaks
Comrade was criticized for not having a 3rd route into site B, not having bomb site labeled and having a slight CT bias. To this end, I've added a walkable vent entrance to B, labeled the sites and added more cover to the central corridors used by rushing CT's.
If the map is chosen to join fire in CAL, it will be renamed to de_cpl_comrade and have the appropriate banners added to the map.
-removed 155 entites causing server CPU performance problems.
-added 3rd route to bomb site B.
-added bomb site labels.
-added new cover to main bomb site B route for terrorists
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