-noforcemparms -noforcemaccel (fyrir shortcutið)
Background (yiNXs)
The tweak was found by finding a logic order in the 64-bit hexa-decimal values at the below regestry-entries. When trying different values, you should come up with a diagram wich displays a curve, this is the unwanted acceleration. Adjusting the values that the curve becomes a straight line rosolves the mouse-acceleration.
1. Safe the following text to a .reg file and doubleclick it:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Control Panel\\Mouse]
2. Reboot your computer
Download the latest intellipoint drivers, install them, then, when the point32.exe (the main exe for your mouse I think), is running, we need to give this CPU priority over Half-Life. To do this, right click the task bar, click Task Manager, click the processes tab, look for point32.exe, right click that, click set priority, and click High. Do this for type32.exe if you have an M$ keyboard. I have both, and I discovered the fix whilst tinkering today
<i>Höfundur ber ekki ábyrgð á villum eða ófullnægjandi upplýsingum eða afleiðingum ákvarðana eða athafna sem byggðar eru á þeim upplýsingum sem hér koma fram</i><br><br>—————————-
Adios ~ Revenant
Hugi.is/hl Admin