Tekið af <url>http://csnation.counter-strike.net</url>

Posted by RzE at 19:44:14 PST - 10 comments
Planet Half-Life has posted word that the following mods will be in Half-Life: Counter-Strike package, which takes the best of Multiplayer Half-Life and adds in a single player mod: HL Multiplayer, Counter-Strike, Team Fortress Classic, Wanted!, Redemption, Firearms and OpFor Multiplayer and CTF.

Also various sites report that HL: CS will begin shipping this week. Considering CS 1.0 was just sent to Sierra, this might be wishful thinking. A more realistic date would be next week sometime, but maybe Sierra pulled off a quick release!

Stay tuned.

Fyrir ykkur sem ekki skiljið ensku þá segjir þarna að hugsanlega munum við sjá HL CS koma út í þessari viku en að líklegra sé að hann muni koma í næstu viku, spennandi !!!!