Tekið af CPL síðunni:

Thursday, August 16, 2001
Age Restriction for CPL Tournaments
The CPL announced today, that commencing January 1, 2002 the league will strictly abide by the ESRBguidelines. Players only ages 17 and older will be eligible for competition in CPL tournaments featuring M-rated games. For more information on the ESRB visit www.esrb.org.
The Cyberathlete Amateur League (CAL) will also adopt this new rule, but initially only for the invitational division of the league.

Og fyrir þá sem ekki skilja ensku þýðir þetta að þeir sem eru yngri en 17 ára fá ekki að taka þátt í CPL mótum né CAL Invite deildinni frá og með 1. jan 2002.
