Dear valued Mplayer member,
Hello from Mplayer! Some great changes are in the works.
Since GameSpy acquired Mplayer at the end of last year, we've put
our collective heads together to figure out how to combine everything you
love about Mplayer with the best that GameSpy has to offer. Our loyal users
(that's you guys!) are our top priority. You've made Mplayer a fun, friendly
place to hang out and play games and we want to make you happy.
What we've come up with is a new and improved combined game service
that offers the best of the two most popular game services, Mplayer and
GameSpy Arcade. We are putting the final finishing touches on the new game
service software which will feature many of your favorite Mplayer features,
games, and functionalities, and will operate under the “GameSpy Arcade”
The new environment will contain the best of both services -
Mplayer's portraits, voice chat system, and chat rooms, most of the
comprehensive Mplayer lineup of retail games and card and board games, plus
GameSpy Arcade's support for nearly 200 retail PC games, player-matching,
built-in chat, instant messaging, integrated demo downloads, and more. Most
importantly, the combined service will join two great groups of people, the
fantastic Mplayer members and the equally cool Arcade members, providing you
with more friends to team up with or play against – a huge pool of people
joined by their love of online games and socializing. The new and improved,
Mplayer-infused, GameSpy Arcade will be the best of both worlds in one
standalone application – and it's guaranteed to be the biggest thing that's
ever happened in online entertainment.
We know it will be hard to say goodbye to the Mplayer we know and
love, but we think that you will be pleased with the new,
soon-to-be-released GameSpy Arcade service. Looking forward, by devoting
our company's resources to the continued improvement of one combined and
fully-loaded service, we can maximize the online games experience for you
and will deliver on our promise of building the biggest and best online
games service on the planet.
Switching from Mplayer to GameSpy Arcade
Sometime next week, the new GameSpy Arcade software, which is almost
ready for your playing pleasure, will be completed and ready to roll. At
that time, we'll move games and chats group-by-group from the current
Mplayer game service into the new and improved GameSpy Arcade service.
During one of your upcoming visits to Mplayer, you'll be asked to download
and install the new more sophisticated, flexible, and Mplayer-infused
GameSpy Arcade software. When you launch the new GameSpy Arcade software,
you'll be asked to set up a FREE GameSpy Arcade account (you'll be able to
use your Mplayer names). Once inside, you can get live help from some folks
online (“admins”), or you can find your friends, your favorite games or
chats, and jump right in.
It may take a little time to get used to the new look and name of
GameSpy Arcade, but don't worry, many of your favorite Mplayer features will
be there (and so will your friends!).
Next week, we will notify you when the final version of the updated
GameSpy Arcade software is ready for you – just keep playing on Mplayer and
we will let you know when the move to the GameSpy Arcade software is taking
place. And, as tempting as it may be, please don't download the current
version of the GameSpy Arcade software expecting a sneak peek – the new
Arcade software that is not yet released will have many new features, such
as voice chat and card games, that the current version of GameSpy Arcade
does not.
What to Do to Prepare for the Move to GameSpy Arcade
Other than playing games and continuing to have fun on Mplayer,
there is one thing you can do to prepare for the new and improved GameSpy
If you use the Mplayer pager often, please be sure to collect one of
the following from your Mplayer buddies in the coming days:
* their email addresses
* their ICQ numbers
* or their real names
GameSpy Arcade has a “PlayerSpy” feature that works very much like
the Mplayer pager. Once you're in GameSpy Arcade, you can search for players
by email, ICQ number, or their real name. So be sure to collect that info
from your friends so you'll be able to find each other in the new service!
For Questions, Feedback, and Help
If you have questions about Mplayer and GameSpy Arcade, specific
games, prizes, or contacts?
Please read the Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
Stay tuned to the Mplayer Home page at http://www.mplayer.com for
updates and answers to your questions as we join these two services. We look
forward to seeing you on the new GameSpy Arcade!
Any feedback? Contact us!
[mailto:mplayer-feedback@gamespyarcade.com] We're listening.
We look forward to sharing more great news with you about the
soon-to-be-released GameSpy Arcade service next week.
Thank you for your continued support,
Chris Early
General Manager, Mplayer
Chief Operating Officer, GameSpy Industries
Góðar eða slæmar fréttir?!? Hvað finnst þér?
Mortal men doomed to die!