Sælir ég fann þessa mynd e-rstaðar og langaði að deila henni með ykkur. http://www.funis2cool.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/03/extraordinary_bicycles_01.jpg
mér langar lika að nýta tækifærið og henda smá texta hérna inn sem ég þarf að nálgast á morgun útaf ritgerð í ensku.
stjórnendur það væri mjög vel séð ef þið gætuð leyft mér að hafa þennan texta hérna inná fram að hádegi á morgun, mánudaginn. með fyrirfram þökk!!
Atticus Finch, a father of two, is one of the most honest and moral characters of the story. His way of raising his children is very unique because he's always honest with them. He's a brilliant lawyer who always tries to prove things in the most polite way. Atticus treats everyone with equal respect and everyone respects him.
As said before, Atticus is looked upon by the citizens of Maycomb. In my opinion the people in general, in real life, should do the same. The way he raises his children and respects them is phenomenal. As a defense lawyer he represents everything that someone who works in the justice system should. His politeness in court is a quality that’s very useful to every lawyer. As a citizen Atticus always gets high respect from everyone around him, both from the African-Americans and the Caucasians. And despite the fact that no one is perfect, Atticus acknowledges the peoples flaws. After all he is an expert at climbing into people’s skin and walking around in it.
takk aftur og sorry fyrir þetta..
reyndar væri það flott ef stjórnendur góðir myndu eyða þræðinum eftir hádegi á mánudaginn. peace