Game segir sjálfur að ætlun hans hafi verið að tengja plöturnar saman með þessu og verður umslag næstu plötu með svipað útlit.
"Five, ten years from now when I look back at my albums I want them to tie in. It's a growth process. [The] first album I went from 15 inch gold Dayton's [tires]. Those Daytons are the cheapest, the Compton emcee explained. “I was sitting on two gold tires. You can't get nowhere with two tires unless you on a motorcycle, you obviously need two more rims. With the first album that picture it basically saying that I was stuck in this place for so long in my life, Compton…you know, the struggle. But I was at a stand still cause you can't go anywhere unless you got four tires. So I was just sitting there posting.”
"So on this one there are two 26 [inch] chrome Daytons,“ he added. ”Those are top of the line. On this album I'm sitting on four tires, so it's time to get the ball rolling and make moves in hip-hop. And the next album we'll try to keep it similar to the second one and keep establishing that chemistry and tie these things in."
Platan kemur út 14 nóvember og nú er bara að sjá hvort þessi plata muni slá í gegn eins og The Documentary gerði.