Datt inn á þennan link í gær. Ekki búinn að hlusta á alla plötuna(hún er bara einn heillangur MP3 fæll), en það sem ég hef heyrt hingað til er ekkert nema mígandi snilld. Með því allra besta sem ég hef heyrt í tónlist það sem af er árinu, ekki bara hip-hop.

Hér er pósturinn þar sem ég fann þetta í heild sinni:


Word from the big man himself - here's the link to the new Buck album, in ‘authorised leak’ style. It's the first in a series of three, and the rest will come shortly. I can safely say that this is absolutely insane. Some of the best music I've heard for a long, long time and those who were into Vertex (so most people!) will find a lot to enjoy here. It flows as a non stop track, and there is just so much happening and well, I'll leave the rest to you!

It does have some guests - there are two people I'm not familiar with at this point (although I believe the woman is Claire Berest, she was on Secret House Against The World), as well as Doseone.
…And me! I made the intro using beat parts he sent me and the track that comes in at 23:00 (on both, I edited the pieces he sent and added the rest, whether it was cuts, more edits or basslines or whatever - I'm still stunned that I was a part of it… There will be more to come too!). I had to mention it!

So get it and enjoy! It destroys. You'll like it.

Here's ‘Dirtbike’ (1/3)



Þetta er s.s bara fyrsti hlutinn í trílógíu sem Buck ætlar að splæsa á lýðinn algerlega ókeypis, ekki einu sinni svona Radiohead “borgið það sem ykkur finnst sanngjarnt” dæmi. Miðað við gæðin á þessu efni er Buck bara að farast úr duglegheitum þessa dagana og vill koma þessu frá sér sem allra fyrst.

Mæli með þessu við alla!