þá myndi ég svara spurningunni þinni með einu stóru “MURS BETTER THEN YOURE FAVORITE RAPPER”… Tékkaðu bad man r something gæjinn tekur allveg hip-hopinu alvarlega með flott beat enn hann kemst ekki frá því að vera drep fyndinn…
“She got me screamin' in public, in the middle of the mall
I lightly touch her arm, what'd the bitch do?, fall
Now they call security, it's about to be drama
I would never hit a woman, I was raised by my momma
But I kinda feel bad even though I didn't do shit
Now I gotta waste time to find a new chick
Someone who understand a man's gotta be a man
I don't wanna have to lie just to get into your pants
And ain't nothin' wrong with a one night stand
that happens twice a week, plus I'm nice in the sheets
And you look like a freak, it'll be to your benefit
A nigga you can fuck, and a nigga you can kick it with
I'm sick of this phone tag text message foreplay
I like to be spontaneous, that's my forte
Let's go to my crib and have, sex in the door way
We'd talk all night if you had things your way”
Algjör snillingur enn stefnan sem nýja platan hans er að fara er algjör hryllingur… btw þetta var brot úr bad man geðveikt lag :D