Jæja, langaði að henda þessu inn og athuga viðbrögðin. Mun eflaust bæta við þetta hægt og rólega og taka fyrstu 2 línurnar í gegn um leið og það poppar upp hugmynd í hausinn.

Peace and Love 'yo.

hey.. this is a bit about me and my life/
I have to tell you it but I don't know why/
I'm on the wrong track but on the right train/
imagine a picture just a bit out of frame/
I try to close my mind by closing my eyes/
but all it does is just painting up my life/
red and black, white and blue truth/
if I tell you, I have to kill you/
so hard to keep but harder to let go/
it's like snow, you love it but you dont want it-to go/