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(Skyzo Yelling)
(Skyzo Crying)

“Sam Screaming”
“Sam Crying”


fuckit bitch, why cant you just leave me alone/
it is your fault that I'm not talkin to you no more/
what's the matter Sam? you cant take this? HAH!/
just so you know, I dont give a fuck about it/
and about that I called you a bitch?/
hell yeah I did and if it bothers you then shit/
you're fucked up girl because I cant stop it/
you're pissing me off girl “oh please, dont hit me”/
(hit you? haha), I know I miss you girl but wait a minute/
how many times have you said you were goin to forget me?/
(HOW MANY?) “seven or eight times” (and I'm still with you?)/
(but I know you fuckin hate me girl, guess what, I hate you too)/
(you've gone to many times from me), it sounds like it isn't true/
but it is bitch, “I love you” (and I fuckin love you too!)/
I still keep the mails you sent me sayin “I hate you!”/
well, I hate you too when you're acting just like you do
“but I'm so cute” (fuck no, you 'aint cute), (oh well you are)/
but I'm still gonna hate you like I've never done before/
I'm sorry girl, but hey.. It's my time to go now so I'm gone../