sone eitt af firsta shittinu mínu:

the S man is comin/
I can change this music so it’ll make you do suicide/
or I can shoot you in head with an uzi but no matter what you will die/
fly high to the sky so you’re eye will dry and you will die/
what do you expect me to do/
squeeze you’re tasteless and leave you dead in the desert dude/
it’s the best it’s good the S is good/
you’re brain is down/
you act like a clown (fuck clowns)/
you never go twice to the same town/
you just fuck around/
like a fuck’dup slut/
in a fucked up ho’ house/
it’s go time/
I’m so tired of/
running away from the fire it’s SO/
gay I just run away longer n’ longer but somehow I stay/
at the same spot for days/
I’m sick of ‘em fucking stops/

you think/
you can/
do what/
I do/
but you can’t/
do that/
cause I am/
the S man

you may think that this song is just a bullshit/
but think about it when you get you puls slit/
It’s new shit I’m new bich/
I don’t give a fuck if you think this is a cool hit or not /
it still is new shit/
you’re done for it/
I got a gun on you forehead/
I’m the new Loch ness monster/
I can do whatever I want cause the cops are at Baldwin’s/
I try to bich slap some mind into you’re brain/
but it don’t work so I chain you up to some building/
and BANG!/
the building blows up in you’re face/
I was raised up in a hay stock/
cause I was always running away from the cops/
but becuse of luck/
i never got locked/
but maby you did you bich/
i intuduced this/
you'll never get to take it/

you think/
you can/
do what/
I do/
but you can’t/
do that/
cause I am/
the S man

monday a sunny day, shuld be sunnday/
but i'm coming/
and the're is nothing you can do to stop me/
i don't care if the cops are after me/
i'm never there when the cops go after me/
the cops will never capture me/
just wait n' see/
it's late december 30/
when i come out the bar burping with hebies/fas
i start surfing on ice/
you think i'm crazy/
no i'm tired of the cops never stop to chase me/
and it's you're foult/
stay still i got a colt/
yeah you feel cold now don't you/
i'm standin on top of you/
and you still think/

you can/
do what/
I do/
but you can’t/
do that/
cause I am/
the S man


the S man/
beye beye/