Jæja, ég fékk bann í einhvern tíma. En ég er kominn aftur harður á mínu shitti. En þessi ríma kallast Trustbraken'n'lies. Hope you dig mofo's.
Hey girl, at first i thought you were beautiful‘n’cool/
I gave you winks everyday, liked seeing you in school/
I don’t know, i guess you gave hopes and made me think shit/
That was untill i heard you were lying more than a bit!/
You was sleeping with some guys who are still just little kids/
And you told me you were doing some else, didn´t you bitch?/
I don’t care what you have to say, i wouldn’t care if you die today/
And that guy you slept with man, i thought he was fucking gay/
So it doesnt matter to me if you beg for mercy or flee/
I don’t care about you hoe, you can collect your stuff and go/
I still can’t believe this shit you broke my heart and trust/
Now i feel so angry that ah I think i’m gonna burst/
So now you better return my shit before i take it myself/
You don’t deserve any of it girl, see what happens when you lie?/
You get it straight back in the back, and people won’t say to you hi/
It’s not so funny anymore is it?, when your just another freekshow/
Thought so, yeah fuck you to you ugly ass hoe/