Ok, þetta er ekki íslensk ríma en hún er samin af Íslendingi þannig að ég leyfi mér að setja hana hérna inn.

Þetta er ríma um vin minn sem gengur undir nafninu G-man eða G. Geri mér grein fyrir því að það þarf aðeins að pússa taktinn. Enjoy!

Pathway to da G-dimension
a route beyond my comprehension
He got da move, he got da groove
ghetto-blastin´ niggah crew
G-man, G-man, we admire
G-man, G-man, our loins on fire
His appearance so fine,
always so stylish,
He loves the wine,
you would think he was Irish.
G-man lake of everlastin´ luv
what´s that shampoo? Hope it´s not Dove.
Take a skinny dip, move your ol´ ass hip
let da G-man leave a souvenir on your lip
Makin´ love to da G, that is the key
he´s fast like a bee, da G-man cavalry
His looks so compellin´
his love he is sellin´
His charms so defyin´
his mojo wild flyin´
His handsomeness everlastin´
beyond the human´s graspin´
Guru of love, God of beauty
Emperor of style, Commander of cutie
G says with pride: “Fuck the bike”
for a juicy bitch, he´ll mountains hike
All in all you should stay from G
Your luv and fire, he will take from thee.