so sick of this pain ,sick of livin as a dead one/
listening to peoples conversation and only hearing sad words/
tired of those who play big brother and step over the little ones/
tired of those same persons trying to make this an evill world/
sometimes i´m standin on the battlefield, sourounding by dead body´s/
i´m the only man standing there and seeing confused zombies/
did they died for cause of better world , that´s bullshit/
maby they thought so, but killin that innocent people made me assume things/
they were fighting for good cause but stepped over that thin line/
because of the power they weren´t seeing , that they killed lifes/
killing dreams that people lived for, and maked them broken dreams/
don´t understanding each other religions, stepping on each other holy things/
they didn´t saw with the victims eyes, so they were blind/
blind for a different aspect, so they didn´t fought a fer fight/
building up hate with propaganda , affecting young kids/
think!! is your cause so right that you can die for him/

Hand up against hand, filled up with sorrow/
Life up against life, who is going to be dead tomorrow/
Weapon up against weapon, what a horror/
Fighting with human blood makes the world just Turn of/

Destroying people homes , taking the land from them/
Using TV to get they´re propaganda out so it´s all about being On Air/
They´re not, leding the world outside seeing both side/
They keep on fighting, blocked by the outside untill the Word Dies/
Grieving parent as they´re childs are leaving earth/
Why me they scream and at the same moment They feel cursed /
Cursed by society as it to day , build up with hate/
civilians fight against civilians, filled up with rage/
the sky was red , painted in blood, and clouds fell/
I can´t change things as they are but I can speak about them/

Hand up against hand, filled up with sorrow/
Life up against life, who is going to be dead tomorrow/
Weapon up against weapon, what a horror/
Fighting with human blood makes the world just Turn of/