Do you remember when Big Daddy fullstepped the world/
and when def rappers used to spread the word/
also when they loved what they did/
that´s why everybody started loving what they spit/
times are different now, some people just listen to what they see in The Source/
and that shit is starting to get real audience bored/
they don´t rap about shit, maybe hits and bitches/
come on, it figures/no one wants to your lyrics/
so i say to those who got skills/ don´t pop pills/
keep it real/ and kill those who got deals/

Times were good when Flash sent out the message/
when rappers/ didn´t represent wackness/
when almost every record had classic´s
when famous mc´s didn´t make wack tragics
when talking to a faggot/ was a bad habit
when a dope rapper meant a black addict

Ég hef samt ekkert á móti hommum… varð bara óvart svona og nennti ekki að stroka þetta út.