Ég hef komist að því að ég á ekki eftir að verða mjög vinsæll hérna á Huga, út af… öðruvísi skoðunum, þannig ég gæti alveg eins orðið the guy that people love to hate.
Fann þetta á netinu, gargandi snilld!
There are no words to describe my blind hatred for rap music. I mean, what is there to like about a bunch of illiterate, uneducated assholes pretending to be fucking cool? How the fuck can anybody think these morons have any talent? Anybody can talk on a record and make a 5-second beat that loops over and over again. My god, rap lyrics are about absolutely nothing but money, drugs, ”hos“, and killing. These fudge-packing pieces of shit have absolutely nothing to contribute to society. I really can't understand how these fucking kids can dress like these scumbags. What is so fucking cool about dressing in Tommy Hilfinger ”designer“ shit clothes and wearing pants that are way too fucking big!!!!! And how can these assholes have any chance of getting laid when they refer to girls as ”hos“ or ”bitches“? These wastes of life have no respect towards women!!! If I was a girl, I would go up to these assholes, rip their dicks off, and stick them so far up their ass that they'd have to open their mouth to take a piss!!!!!! Some people say that heavy metal is a bad influence, but when was the last time a heavy metal artist shot up a fucking nightclub? NEVER, because metalheads like me
have values, unlike these gangsta jackasses who have absolutely no regard for anything or anybody!!! You see, to be a rock star, you need talent. You need to know how to play an insturment, and you need good song-writing skills if you want to be sucessful and record music that has feeling and emotion. That's what music is all about!!!! Now, to be a rapper, all you need is a voice box, a record player, and a fucking .45 Magnum. Below is my list of shame. I'll make additions to this list as time goes on:
Tupac Shakur (Tu-Prick Shakur): Stupid piece of shit who was killed as a result of shit he was involved in because of his gangsta lifestyle. It's a good thing this gangsta is dead.
Notorious B.I.G., Biggie Smalls (Whatever this asshole wants to be called): See ”Tupac Shakur“
Jay-Z (Gay-Z) - My fucking God, this asshole looks like the result of a chemistry experiment gone horribly wrong!!! Hope this guy doesn't quit his day job as a gangsta thug, cause he's
gonna need all that extra drug money when his musical career goes bye-bye in about a year!!!!
P. Diddy (P. Shitty) - A gun-wielding maniac who can't even come up with his own songs, so he has to rip off songs from other people, and remake really shitty versions of them. See, this asshole shoots up a fucking nightclub then runs like a pussy. Hey, P. Shitty, you're not fooling anybody. The only reason he did this is out of jealousy. He can't stand the fact that his boyfriend (Biggie Smalls) got capped before he did!!!
Snoop Doggy Dogg - A murderer who lives a west-coast, Compton thug life.
Dr. Dre - Snoop Doggy Dogg's lover.
Eminem - This guy is a fucking joke!!!!! It fucking makes me sick that this guy gets any publicity at all, even if it is bad publicity.
Ludacris (Ludapiss) - Just look at this dipshit, enough said!!!
Wu-Tang Clan - They should rename themselves The Poon-tang clan, cause that's the closest they'll ever fucking get to it!!!”
Kærar kveðjur JAKOB :)