“Finally I managed to get the interview with Freestyle after eons of internet f*ckery…but it was worth the wait! Sit back and enjoy the words of a true hiphop legend.
Q. The Arsonists' split…how did that come about?
Freestyle: I'm tired of this question. I get it too much. There was a lot of problems in the group and they couldn't handle it, so they took care of it by asking me to leave the group for no apparent reason. If you're a family for 7 years, there shouldn't be any reason to split up unless its some heavy s**t…and I didn't do anything heavy to them. All I did was try to help, and I guess I didn't. As Lauryn Hill said… ”forgive them father for they know not what they do…“.
Q. Do you feel that you will be able to express yourself better and steer your music more in your direction now that you are going solo?
Freestyle: Yes. Songs like blaze and venom are my thang. I'm into the aggressive and lyrical side of things, as well as the musical side. I might do things that a lot of people wont agree with, but if I do it, its somethin' that I felt and wanted to do. Everything you hear from me will be my full ideas. With Arsonists, I had to compromise and work with everyone's ideas, which I didn't have a problem with because we came up with some bangin' s**t.
Q. Will you be doing any work with The Arsonists now that you have left?
Freestyle: Not that I know of. I cant tell the future. I really hope to do some stuff with my ex fam though.
Q. You seem to be incredibly dedicated when it comes to your willingness to travel to obscure places for shows. A lot of people in the UK scene get pissed off with artists only ever doing shows in London. How many people do you actually get at your shows in places like Sweden and Indonesia???
Freestyle: It depends on the show, the promotion, who I'm performing with, etc… usually about 500 to 1000 people come to the show. If its a big venue and well known then maybe 2000-5000 people would come. It all depends. I've even played for a crowd of 5!!!
Q. Are there any UK hiphop artists you are particularly interested in?
Freestyle: Rodney P., Mark B. & Blade, MR 45, Genasis, Cappo, Rags, Yogi, Diversion Tactics and Craig David. I'm being serious when I say I like Craig David's stuff. Maybe I don't like all of it, but on a whole I m feelin' his style. I'm open minded, unlike a lot of other mad hiphop heads out there.
Q. In your youth you used to imitate Michael Jackson…how do you feel about the plastic surgery, the scandal, etc. that has now engulfed his image?
Freestyle: Michael Jackson said ”leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!“. Why don't people listen???
Q. This is possibly a weird question but I've always wondered this…how much do you actually earn? You travel all over the world yet I would have thought you were too far underground to be particularly rich…
Freestyle: Ha! Imagine anyone telling u how much they earn. I'll tell u this… I make enough to pay the bills. I don't have a car, I don't have a mobile, I don't have jewellery, I don't go shopping, etc… etc… that should give you an idea of how much I make. I try my best to get money as I move along though. Can't live without it…
Q. Are you involved with any of the other elements of hiphop than emceeing?
Freestyle: I used to be. not anymore though. I try to scratch every now and then, but I'm not good at it. DJs say they think I can get better. who knows!
Q. Do you think hiphop can be categorised as merely four elements?
Freestyle: Not anymore. But I push the idea anyway to let people know the basics.
Q. If you had never come across hiphop do you think you'd have still pursued a musical career?
Freestyle: Of course! My mind, body, and soul are made of music. I cant help myself. I sing, I used to write r&b lyrics, reggae lyrics, club music lyrics, poetry, etc… I listen to r&b more than hiphop at the moment.
Q. Do you see hiphop more as a platform for expression or it's primary purpose as solely to entertain?
Freestyle: Expression and entertainment. It's both. Can't have one without the other.
Q. If you could collaborate with anyone in hiphop who would it be?
Freestyle: MC Tye, Rakim, KRS, Kool G Rap, Kane, Chuck D, Premiere, Freddie Foxxx, Kool Keith (back in the ultra days, not now), Chino XL, Ill Bill, Mos Def and M.O.P.
Q. Is the recent surge in the popularity of hiphop into the commercial market is a good think or a bad thing in your opinion?
Freestyle: It's a little bit of both. It's makin' it big, but at the same time there's more and more bullshit being born. A lot of people abusing it and confusin' the youth.
Q. Finally, to round off, when can we expect your solo album?
Freestyle: Sometime next year. Don't know when though! Make sure u put my email address and my
website address in the interview so people can reach me.”
Site: http://members.aol.com/settinfires/hq.htm
Email: settnfires@aol.com