“Passin me by” sem Pharcyde gerði árið 93 er löngu orðin klassík. Fyrir stuttu fór að heyrast lag með Joe og Mystkal þar sem þeir nota(stela) taktinn og laglínu úr laginu.
Fyrst þegar ég heyrði lagið hugsaði ég bara.. “hhmm.. lélegt lag.. en fínt að Pharcyde séu að græða pening á þessu.. MIKINN pening..” en þeir fengu ekki einusinni credit fyrir lagið, og nú er J-Swift sem pródúsaði lagið að kæra Jive sem gaf út lagið fyrir 11 milljónir dollara.

Producer J-Swift Files Suit Against Jive Records for Use of His
2001-05-10 08:45 (New York)

Music On Joe's
'Stutter' Remix

LOS ANGELES, May 10 /PRNewswire/ – Producer J-Swift, a former member and
producer of the group the Pharcyde, filed suit against Jive Records, Zomba
Recording Corp., and Touchstone Pictures for their use of his original
production on the #1 remix-single “Stutter” by R&B artist Joe. John Manuel
Martinez, who works under the name J-Swift, was the producer of the Pharcyde's
#1 rap single “Passin' Me By,” the song sampled in “Stutter.”
“People were coming up to me congratulating me, asking how much I was
getting paid. I went into the store to see if I had been credited, and saw
everyone's name listed but mine,” says a displeased J-Swift. He soon
discovered that the remix using his creation was available for sale.
In 1993, J-Swift wrote, produced, and arranged “Passin' Me By,” which was
featured on the Pharcyde's debut album “BizarreRide II The Pharcyde.” “They
used my actual music. They even stole the lyrics and melody that I wrote.
'My dear, my dear, my dear, you do not know me …,'” explains Swift.
No one made any attempt to contact J-Swift to obtain his permission to use
the song. Fully aware of the song's sample, Jive Records did credit the
Pharcyde. “I own more of that song than anybody,” he begins. “Someone is
always trying to sue rap producers because we sample older records, and now
it's ironic that they're sampling a hip-hop record and not clearing it.”
The “Stutter” remix, which features rapper Mystikal, is also featured on
the “Double Take” soundtrack. The single spent 5 weeks in the #1 spot on the
Billboard singles chart and is a single from Joe's multi-platinum album
entitled, “My Name is Joe.” J-Swift is suing Jive Records (Joe's record
label), Zomba Recording Corp., and Touchstone Pictures for a total of over