ég dýrka hann meira en Jesú, Ubermanche !
Þótt hann var vel veikur á geði síðustu daga lífs síns, þá eru ritin hans guðdómleg. Also Sprach Zarathura eða svo mælti zaraþústra ásamt handan góða og ills sem ég hef lesið eftir hann hefur breytt mér varanlega og mæli með henni handa öllum lifandi mönnum.
‘To the clean are all things clean’ — thus say the people. I, however, say unto you: To the swine all things become swinish! Therefore preach the visionaries and bowed-heads (whose hearts are also bowed down): ‘The world itself is a filthy monster.’ For these are all unclean spirits; especially those, however, who have no peace or rest, unless they see the world FROM THE BACKSIDE — the backworldsmen! TO THOSE do I say it to the face, although it sound unpleasantly: the world resembleth man, in that it hath a backside, — SO MUCH is true! There is in the world much filth: SO MUCH is true! But the world itself is not therefore a filthy monster!
—Friedrich Nietzsche, Thus Spoke Zarathustra