Speaking of which, he said with a heavy Icelandic accent, have you arrived at a single conclusion in your entire life ?

Yes…. one…. you die eventually.

I think…. that´s what I do. My mind trails off on impossible trails, along paths that I could never explain. A bit like a bird that can fly absolutely everywhere. But even that we can disagree on.

The more I ponder life, and study other peoples thoughts on it, every single aspect, I arrive at so many more questions than answers. And all the answers I find are questionable, except one, death. And even death is a mystery, as there are countless ideas about what happens when you die, maybe as many as there are people on the earth. But it comes nonetheless. And so does birth, equally mysterious and unexplainable, but it comes, like day comes and ends with night. Life is born, and eventually dies. Life in itself is a word that encompasses so many things that it is indeed unfathomable, the only way that anyone can say that he understands life is through categorizing it, and thus in his mind chop it down into small, categorized and manageable pieces. But even then he will come across something that is unexplainable even through the most elaborate system of thought. Yet in their arrogance they can often not say that they honestly have not a clue what it is they have just experienced. Thus there will always be more questions than answers.

The words: “shit happens” hold more thruth than I care to explain. Just ponder the endless phenomena that these two words encompass.

Thus I can only repeat to you common, simple facts that we can agree on or disagree on based on varying systems of categorisation, the rest is questions without answers. Without a doubt, most people would care to adapt a system of belief to make life not so overwhelming and complicated, as I have done many times, with many systems, and none are complete. But finally I have found peace in not knowing, and constantly asking. And when not asking, I am being. I tire of human charades in communication endless analyzing in neccessary because we are dishonest. Even when we mean well. And I am as guilty as all.

Why ?

Because we fail to admit both to ourselves and others that we are clueless, clueless is being human, and being human is being clueless. I have in fact fallen in love with this basic human predicament. And through it I can love even the people that hate and disagree with me. The problem with accepting this fact is that it makes me socially inferior in the eyes of most people.

Why ?

For many reasons, I say: “I don´t know” a lot rather than trying to find an explanation based on my system of belief, or make one up to seem clever. I´ll gladly discuss anything with anyone, but I always arrive at questions, and people generally don´t like that, they like opinions and answers. This of course means that I can never end a discussion or debate untill someone says: “time to call it a night” or “lets talk about something else”.
Another reason is that I accept everyone as they are. Regardless of how they dress, talk, act or what they do or how much money they make, we are all equally clueless regardless of what you would like to claim.

Welcome to my world.

This is what I hate about writing this stuff down, it just ends…. no conclusion.