[edit]Reduce pain and swelling
As with all muscle injuries, R.I.C.E. is an initial response to injury recommended by health providers:
Rest means ceasing movement of the affected area.
Icing uses ice to reduce inflammation.
Compression limits the swelling.
Elevation involves placing the area higher to reduce inflammation and swelling.
Cold Compression Therapy shoulder wraps facilitate the icing and compression of an otherwise difficult body area to ice and compress.
Depending on severity of symptoms, further imaging with radiograph, or MRI may be warranted to see if surgery or an underlying bone injury exists.
[edit]Posture and sleeping positions
Postures and sleeping positions may be modified to provide relief. But as your shoulder begins to heal, sleeping positions may vary considerably.[8]
The rotator cuff can be strengthened to rehabilitate shoulder injuries, and prevent future ones. There are different exercises to target the individual rotator cuff muscles.