Hefur einhver hérna reynslusögu af GOMAD? (4 lítrar af mjólk á dag).
Til að ná hámarks gæðum er eingöngu fóðrað með grasi.- http://www.biobu.is/node/11
Íslensk samanburðarrannsókn á mjólk frá Neðra Hálsi hefur staðfest að um 28% meira er af omega-3 í lífrænu mjólkinni(2) . CLA er einnig fjölómettuð eins og omega-3.- http://www.biobu.is/node/11
Yfirgripsmikil rannsókn á vegum National Academy of Sciences leiddi í ljós að rétt hlutföll omega 6:3 í fæði væri lykilatriði í því að vernda okkur fyrir myndun húðkrabbameins-Tekið af http://www.biobu.is/ undir fræðsla
Já, pirrandi að allir í matsalnum eru að horfa á mann þegar að maður er með sturta 1l af nýmjólk oní sig.
Pasteurized Milk=Increasing Health Problems in Children
Frequent Ear Infections
Gastro-Intestinal Problems
Auto-Immune Disease
Attention Deficit Disorder
During a period of rapid population growth, the market for fluid pasteurized milk has declined at 1% per year for the past 20 years. Fewer and fewer consumers can tolerate pasteurized (and ultrapasteurized) milk.
While protein restriction may be appropriate for treatment of existing kidney disease, we find no significant evidence for a detrimental effect of high protein intakes on kidney function in healthy persons after centuries of a high protein Western diet.http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/16174292
The lay public is often told that high protein diets “overwork” the kidney and may negatively impact renal function over time [78]. In addition, a number of highly regarded organizations appear to support this line of reasoning [79] given the physiological processes required for excretion of protein-related metabolic waste products to maintain homeostasis following consumption of protein at levels in excess of recommended amounts. Increased consumption of dietary protein is linearly related to the production of urea [80] and urea excretion is controlled by the kidney. These processes are of significant energetic cost to the kidney and represent the physiological “strain” associated with increased protein intake [81].
Without question, long-term studies are needed to clarify the scant evidence currently available regarding this relationship. At present, there is not sufficient proof to warrant public health directives aimed at restricting dietary protein intake in healthy adults for the purpose of preserving renal function.
At present, there is not sufficient proof to warrant public health directives aimed at restricting dietary protein intake in healthy adults for the purpose of preserving renal function.
Thus, compensatory hyperfiltration appears to be a biological adaptation to a variety of renal challenges that is not associated with increased risk of chronic kidney disease in healthy individuals.
Eykur hærri próteinneysla niturúrgang í þvagi? Já.Var ég að segja eitthvað annað? Ekki svo ég viti.
Er til vísindalegur grunnur fyrir því að sú aukning auki líkur á CKD í heilbrigðum einstaklingum? Nei.
Research by Johnson et al. [54], showed protein intake as a possible risk factor for progressive loss of remaining renal function in dialysis patients. Indeed, dietary protein restriction is a common treatment modality for patients with renal disease [55,56] and practice guidelines exist regarding reduced dietary protein intakes for individuals with chronic renal disease in which proteinuria is present [57]. The National Kidney Foundation (NKF) has extensive recommendations with regard to protein intake, which are a byproduct of the Dialysis Outcome Quality Initiative [58].http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1262767/?tool=pubmed
En veist þú hvað líkaminn getur tekið upp mörg prósent af próteinum á dag og hvað mörg prósent fara beint út úr líkamanum?
Líkaminn getur ekki nýtt meira prótein til uppbyggingar á dag en 2 g fyrir hvert kg líkamsþyngdar, svo neysla umfram það er óþörf.Þetta eru þó varla markbærar heimildir.(frá kennara) Þá var ég einfaldlega að pæla hvort þú sem virðist hafa vit á þessum efnum gætir svarað almennilega án þess að vera með yfirlætishátt og draga allt sem ég segi á dilk, hvað væri rétt í þessum efnum? :D
Próteinum umfram það breytast í fitu sem geymd er í fitufrumum og nýtt sem orkugjafi síðar þegar þörf er á.