Er hávaxinn og grannur, er þetta ekki nokkuð solid guide fyrir mig?
Einnig, hvort á ég að drekka helling af vatni eða mjólk? o_O og þá nýmjólk eða léttmjólk?
Once You’re Done GOMAD. Stop GOMAD once you’ve reached your goal weight. This shouldn’t take you more than 1-2 months if you’re consistent. Things you can expect when stopping GOMAD:
* Fat Loss. You’ll gain 2-3% fat per month on GOMAD. When you stop GOMAD: follow the 8 nutrition rules and keep getting stronger. Your body fat will decrease, but your body-weight won’t change.
* Weight Loss. 1 gallon of whole milk a day means lots of carbs. Carbs bind to water. Expect weight loss when stopping GOMAD: water loss. That’s why you should aim for 10lbs/5kg extra as goal weight.
* Increased Hunger. You’ll be more hungry than before. This is your body telling you to eat to maintain your increased body-weight.
You can keep drinking milk if you want after stopping GOMAD. Just know that if fat loss is your goal, best is to drink milk post workout only.
Note that GOMAD is not the only way to gain weight. But it’s definitely the most efficient way to make anyone gain weight fast naturally