Hvar heyrðiru að þetta ætti bara við stoðkerfisáverka? Ef þú veist ekki hvað er að þá er RICE það fyrsta sem þú gerir áður en þú talar við lækni (ef þú þarft þess).
Þú hvílir vöðvann, kælir, þjappar og reynir að hafa þennan líkamspart hærra uppi.
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Fyrsta sem kemur upp er:
,,“RICE” is short for rest, ice, compression, and elevation. RICE started immediately after a minor injury can help to relieve the pain and keep the area from swelling. When there is an injury, fluid can collect in the area of the injury. This extra fluid causes swelling and, if there is enough extra fluid, the pain may worsen. RICE can be used for minor injuries such as bruises, sprains, strains, and pulled muscles. The earlier the RICE treatment is started after an injury, the better it works."