Hef lesið um að önnur nösin á fólki sé oftast meiri stífluð og það svissast á milli reglulega,… er meira að segja hægt að hafa áhrif á heilastarfsemi með því að halda fyrir aðra hvora nösina. Hef tekið eftir þessu persónulega, þetta virðist þó minnka töluvert - semsagt báðar nasirnar opnast vel - þegar maður hreyfir sig.
gerði search og fann eitthvað um þetta:
“Breathing, Ultradian Rhythms, and Headaches
Those readers who have observed their breathing for any length of time have probably noticed that, in general, air does not move through the nasal passages equally at the same time. Usually when the left nostril is more open, the right one is more congested and vice versa. This occurs because the flow of blood shifts back and forth between the nostrils in a rhythm that takes approximately one and a half to two hours. This ”ultradian rhythm,“ long observed by medical science, is related to the functioning of the brain hemispheres and can play an important role in healing. When the left nostril is more open, the right hemisphere of the brain is generally more dominant; when the right nostril is more open, the left hemisphere is generally more dominant.
You can make use of this fact for your own well-being. You can, for example, intentionally open a nostril that is more congested and thus make the other hemisphere more active by lying down on your side with the congested nostril above and continuing to breathe through the nose. If you are feeling out of sorts or have a headache, trying this experiment for 15 or 20 minutes can often bring relief.”