Aspartame er vissulega varasamt og þegar nýjar rannsóknir sýna okkur að það sé skaðlegt að þá ber okkur að endurskoða notkun þess í matvælum. Það er bara ábyrg hegðun. Gömlu rannsóknirnar sem framkvæmdar voru þegar efnið var leyft eru mjög varhugaverðar og ferlið við leyfisgjöfina var einnig mjög athugavert því þar komu peningahagsmunir sterkt inn í. Það ber líka að líta til þess að svo virðist sem þær rannsóknir sem gerðar eru af
óháðum aðilum eða semsagt þeirra sem ekki eru borgaðar af hagsmunaaðilum sýna allt aðrar niðurstöður en þær sem studdar eru af hagsmunaaðilum/fyrirtækjum sem nota efnið.
Þetta virðist svipað dæmi og fyrir nokkrum áratugum þegar verið var að rannsaka afleiðingar tóbaksnotkunar og tóbaksframleiðendur sem græddu á vörunni vörðu það endalaust að þetta væri alls ekkert skaðlegt né krabbameinsvaldandi… en síðar kom bara annað í ljós og óháðir aðilar sem ekki höfðu peningahagsmuna að gæta fengu ávallt allt aðrar niðurstöður heldur en framleiðendurnir sjálfir :)
Það skiptir alveg gríðarlega miklu máli HVER framkvæmir rannsóknina því vandamálin eru skráð hjá þeim aðilum sem eru algerlega óháðir fyrirtækjum sem hafa hagsmuna að gæta.
Sjá hér um independent researchers; Independent research finds problems with aspartame. An analysis of peer reviewed medical literature using MEDLINE and other databases was conducted by Ralph G. Walton, MD, Chairman, The Center for Behavioral Medicine, Professor of Clinical Psychiatry, Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine. Dr. Walton analyzed 164 studies which were felt to have relevance to human safety questions. Of the 90 non-industry-sponsored (independent) studies, 83 (92%) identified one or more problems with aspartame. Of the 74 aspartame industry-sponsored studies, all 74 (100%) claimed that no problems were found with aspartame. [ More Information]
# Extremely large number of reported toxicity reactions to aspartame. As of 1995 when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) was quoted as saying they stopped accepting adverse reaction reports on aspartame, over 75% of the adverse reactions reported to the FDA Adverse Reaction Monitoring System (ARMS) were due to aspartame. Afte considering the fact that an extremely low percentage of adverse reactions are reported to the FDA, it becomes clear that there are millions of known cases of aspartame toxicity reactions and possibly many other cases where the person ingesting aspartame is either 1) unaware that their symptoms are caused or contributed to by aspartame; or 2) not yet experiencing clinically-obvious symptoms from the breakdown products of aspartame, but may eventually experience chronic health problems from the regular exposure to significant doses of formaldehyde.
Í greininni í Mbl er vísað í þessa rannsókn sem er alveg ný eða síðan 2005.
Fengið af
Rat Study Links Aspartame to CancerDaniel DeNoonJuly 28, 2005 – A study of rats links low doses of aspartame – the sweetener in NutraSweet, Equal, and thousands of consumer products – to leukemia and lymphoma.
But food industry officials point out that many other studies have found no link between aspartame and cancer.
The rats in the study were fed various doses of aspartame throughout their lives. In female but not male rats, lymphoma and leukemia were significantly associated with daily aspartame doses as low as 20 milligrams (mg) per kilogram (kg) of body weight. And there was a trend toward these cancers at doses as low as 4 mg/kg of body weight.
To reach a dose of 20 mg/kg, a 140-pound woman would need to drink three cans of diet soda a day. A 180-pound man would need to drink four cans of diet soda a day.
And diet soda isn't the only source of aspartame. The sweetener is in thousands of products, ranging from yogurt to over-the-counter medicines.
The average person consumes about 2 or 3 mg/kg aspartame each day. However, that figure goes way up for children and young women.
The study comes from an independent research team led by Morando Soffritti, MD, scientific director of the European Ramazzini Foundation of Oncology and Environmental Sciences in Bologna, Italy.
“What I am recommending is for healthy children and women – if they do not have diabetes – to avoid consumer use of aspartame,” Soffritti tells WebMD. “We cannot continue to use aspartame in 6,000 types of products, soft drinks, yogurt, and whatever.”
What Happened to the RatsSoffritti's study findings may be a first report, but the study was quite thorough. It looked at 1,800 rats fed various doses of aspartame – or no aspartame at all – from age 8 weeks until death. When the animals died, the researchers did a thorough autopsy.
They found that:
* A daily dose of 20 milligrams of aspartame per kilogram of body weight was linked to lymphomas and leukemias in female – but not male – rats.
* Rats that got daily doses of as little as 4 mg/kg aspartame got lymphomas and leukemias 62% more often than those that got no aspartame, but this finding could have been due to chance.
* A few brain tumors were seen in rats fed aspartame, while those who did not get the sweetener did not get brain tumors. But this finding, too, could have been due to chance.