Til að fá sjáanlega magavöðva þarftu líklega að stækka magavöðvana og lækka líkamsfitu hlutfallið.
Semsagt gera styrktaræfingar og brennslu, og líka athuga mataræðið.
“How to Get Nice Abs
Get in shape and create attractive abs!
To get a six pack the main obstacle is your body fat percentage. For a man, to have visible abs you need to get your body fat percentage around 10% or lower (it depends on your genetics and how defined you want your abs). Thus, more important than sit-ups is aerobic exercise to compliment a low-fat diet.”Hérna er svo einhver ‘Steps’ sem ég fann á sömu síðu:
1.Doing crunches (sit-ups) is very helpful. Try to do 50 a day to start, and work your way up every week. -Ekki viss með þetta, mæli frekar með að gera erfiðari, jafnvel með lóðum og ekki svona margar endurtekningar.
2.Reduce your fatty food intake. A good way to do this is cut out all fried foods from your diet. Also, excess sweets like ice cream, candy, and sodas are your worst enemy.
3.Do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise (ex. running, swimming, biking, rowing, etc.) at least 3 times a week. The more often you can do this the faster you'll shed that extra weight.
4.Stay hydrated! Water suppresses the appetite naturally and helps the body metabolize stored fat. Studies have shown that a decrease in water intake will cause fat deposits to increase, while an increase in water intake can actually reduce fat deposits. Also, avoid alcohol, which is a diuretic and will dehydrate you. Also, cold water actually burns calories because your body has to heat it up, so drink your water cold.
5.Add some weightlifting to your exercise routine. Additional muscle mass will increase your metabolic rate and help you keep off any fat you lose.
6.Good luck!"Farðu svo bara á einhverja af þessum linkum sem hafa verið hérna í síðustu korkum, t.d
http://www.bodybuilding.com/fun/index.html og lestu þér til.