Jamm.. nú er önnur útgáfan af Söldner, Bandaríska Beta Demo-ið, eða útgáfa 17830.

Hérna er svo það sem Plex póstaði yfir hvað hefur verið breytt og hvað eina.. :)
Þið fyrirgefið að ég nenni ekki að þýða þetta :P

Soldner: Secret Wars Beta Demo v2 (version 17830)

This updated version of the multiplayer demo and the accompanying server/portal infrastructure incorporates the following fixes:

Major Fixes:
? Overall number of worldwide simultaneous players has been substantially increased. More servers are now available for players to access.
? Fixed crash bug caused by crypter code
? Fixed crash bug caused by refresh rate overrides of some drivers
? fixed crash when portal disconnects player while playing
? fixed crash if you die while throwing a grenade
? fixed some problems with Win98
? New soldier collision code which fixes several problems
? A lock icon has been placed next to server names, indicating that server is password protected.
? serverlist gets pinged faster (note: ?xxx? means server has firewall and cannot transmit ping rate)
? implemented ?pop-up? map which can be used without having to leave game (?M? Key)
? Added new menu option that allows rate setting for different internet connection speeds
? Implemented basic filters for server lists. Now servers can be filtered for the following:
o Favorites
o Hide password protected servers
o Hide high ping servers
o Hide servers w/earlier version of demo
o Hide empty, full servers
? Hostages are now released when you get them to the extraction area in Hostage Rescue mode

Play Balancing Fixes:
? raised pricing of sniper kit and bombing kit
? C4 bombs now last only 10 minutes
? refill rate of medkit and toolkit raised
? throwing grenades now reveals hidden snipers
? commander remains as commander even if he is killed. Only way to have a new cmdr is to revote or disconnect
? raised the distance player names are shown
? increased range of Infra-Red and Night Vision devices
? adjusted capture radius of flags
? Player only spawns once per round in Team Deathmatch and Hostage Rescue mode
? adjusted MG3 and PKM bullet spread value
? adjusted reloading speeds of all launchers
? changed behavior of non guided and locking missiles

Minor Fixes:
? Put delay of 60 seconds in place for team changes
? slight map adjustments
? implemented different tree destructions
? fixed many problems with swimming
? changed soldier jump and way jumps are handled
? fixed some gesture mix up with text and sound
? fixed fence animation with broken fences
? fixed several minor menu problems
? Soldier stance display now works correctly with Ctrl Key
? fixed reloading and timer display on unit secondary weapons
? put tutorial screens in place
? Implemented team menu to allow equipping before spawning in Deathmatch and Team Deathmatch modes
? Fixed several inconsistencies with unit settings regarding scopes, camera, weapons and physics
? fixed the slow motion bug for units without controllers (driver/pilots)
? fixed vanishing lock hud with apaches and hinds
? flashbang now has sound
? fixed/adjusted many sounds of units
? volume for long distance sounds adjusted
? implemented occlusion culling for faster speed
? fixed some particle effects problems with map change and units on hooks
? speedup of water Fx and fog
? improved support for logging crash errors
? removed ability to connect to local client with web interface

NOTE: There is a rare crash that a user can experience. The crash has to do with distance rendering of rockets. We only became recently aware of it and are addressing it now.

Hér er svo að finna hvar er hægt að downloada þessu

Þetta er ekki patch heldur bara önnur útgáfa svo það er hægt að taka fyrri útgáfuna niður og setja þessa í staðinn, ef eitthver myndi vera svo vænn að setja þetta á huga..

-Ég vill benda fólki á líka að það er ekki að ástæðulausu að þeir setja Beta á undan Demo-ið, Þetta er prufu útgáfa svo það er mjög hugsanlegt að þetta eigi ekki eftir að virka sem best :P

Client-inn á víst að vera mun stable-ari en það er samt verið að tala um að server-inn sé enþá með eitthver vandræði.. allavega það sem ég hef heyrt..

Vonum nú allavega að við eigum að geta spilað leikinn í þetta skiptið :)
