Ég veit að ég hef frekar fyrirsjáanlegan og ófjölbreyttan tónlistarsmekk en það skiptir mig engu máli heldur er það að ég hafi gaman af tónlistinni ;)
Gullaldarplaylistinn minn!
The Beatles – Long, Long, Long : Uppáhalds bítlalagið mitt í augnablikinu rólegt og fallegt lag eftir George Harrison og ég er bara á því að þetta lag ásamt Julia og When My Guitar Gently Weeps séu mín uppáhalds lög á The White Album.
Simon & Garfunkel - The Only Living Boy In New York.: Eitt af uppáhalds lögunum mínum með Simon & Garfunkel.
Lagið er rólegt en grípandi í senn.
Paul Simon samdi lagið þegar Art fór til Mexíkó til þess að leika í myndinni Catch 22 og skildi Paul eftir semjandi lög.
Led Zeppelin – Since I´ve Been Loving You : Blús – þungarokk frá Led Zeppelin eins og það gerist best!
Lagið byrjar rólega en svo vinnur það sig hægt og rólega upp og verður sífellt rokkaðara.
Lagið nær svo hámarki þegar Plant öskrar “Since I´ve Been Loving You” og frábært gíarsóló tekur við.
“But baby, Since I've Been Loving You, yeah. I'm about to lose my worried mind, ah, yeah.
Everybody trying to tell me that you didn't mean me no good.
I've been trying, Lord, let me tell you, Let me tell you I really did the best I could.
I've been working from seven to eleven every night, I said It kinda makes my life a drag, drag, drag, drag..
Lord, yeah, that ain't right… no no
Since I've Been Loving You, I'm about to lose my worried mind.”
Lagið er samið af Page, Plant og Jones.
Queen – Now I´m Here (Live At Bowl) : Dæmi um það hvað Queen getur verið frábær live, þeir gera lagið rokkaðara og hraðara og svo í miðju lagi þá tekur Freddie áhorfendur í söngkennslu.
Brian May samdi það árið 1974 fyrir plötuna Sheer Heart Attack og var hann undir miklum áhrifum The Who þegar hann samdi lagið.
The Who - Love, Reign O´er Me : Frábærlega vel sungið lag, en þetta lag er svona frábær blanda af rólegu og þungu lagi.
Lagið er hluti af rokkóperunni Quadrophenia eftir The Who en þetta lag fjallar um það þegar
Led Zeppelin – No Quarter : Þetta lag má finna á plötunni Holy Of The Houses sem ég festi kaup á í sumar.
Lagið byrjar á einhverju undarlegu hljóði sem ég held alveg örugglega að komi frá hljómborði.
Söngurinn frá Plant er góður og grípandi þó að mér finnist flottast þegar gítarinn kemur inní lagið.
Lagið er 7 mínútur á lengd.
Led Zeppelin – Over The Hills And Far Away : Byrjar á kassagítar spili Page og verður seinna rokkaðara.
Er 3 lagið á plötunni Houses Of The Holy.
Á sumum tónleika átti Plant til þess að syngja eftir að hafa sungið “A Pocket Full Of Gold”
Acapulco Gold en það á víst að vera tegund af maríjúana.
Scorpions – Rock You Like A Hurricane : Veit nú varla hvort að Scorpions teljist undir Gullöldina en ég ætla að taka sénsinn á því ;)
Eins og fleiri lög Scorpions þá einkennir þetta lag að það er gríðarlega grípandi og með flottu gítarriffi.
Vill benda sem flestum á að kynna sér þessa hljómsveit Scorpions en á meðal Betri laga þeirra eru Rock You Like A Hurricane, No One Like You, Wind Of Change, Holiday og Big City Nights.
Billy Joel – Honesty : Geðveikt lag eftir meistara Billy Joel sem ég er nýbúinn að kynna mér og bendi flestum að kynna sér.
Þessi ballaða er frábærlega sungin og er lagið af plötunni 52nd Street.
The Beatles – Ticket To Ride : Lagið er samið af John og Paul og eins og flest bítlalögin þá er þetta frábært lag.
Dúóið The Carpenters tók seinna þetta lag í hægari útgáfu.
Lagið er af plötunni Help!
Queen – Teo Torriatte (Let Us Cling Together) : Af plötunni Day At The Races samið af May til japanskra aðdáenda Queen en hluti lagsins er á japönsku.
Lagið er sungið ótrúlega vel af Freddie en annars er þetta lag í rólegri kantinum.
Smile – April Lady : Reddaði þessu lagi í gegnum msn frá Bijou ;)
Það er frábært lag sem er að ég held sungið af Brian.
Hljómsveitin Smile varð svo seinna að hljómsveitinni Queen.
Lagið er rólegt og skemmtilegt.
David Bowie – Ziggy Stardust : Siggi stjörnuryk bregst aldrei og þetta er án efa eitt af betri lögum hans.
Lag sem allir ættu að kannast við af plötunni The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars.
Queen - I´m In love With My Car : Lag sungið af Roger Taylor og einnig samið af honum.
Lagið er af meistaraverkinu A Night At The Opera.
Lagið var einnig gefið út sem smáskífa og var lagið á B hliðinni en Bohemian Rhapsody á A hliðinni.
Þetta á víst að hafa ollið miklu rifrildi milli þeirra næstu árin þ.e.a.s. það að Freddie samdi lög sem urðu gríðarlega vinsæl og Rogers lög fengu að fljóta með á smáskífuna en samt fékk Freddie jafnmikinn pening fyrir smáskífuna og Roger.
Pink Floyd - Pigs On Wing (Part Two) : Að mínu mati besta lagið á Animals, stutt og rólegt.
Eins og áður kom frame er lagið á plötunni Animals.
The Doors – Light My Fire : Frábært lag eftir snillingana Robby Krieger og Jim Morrison.
Kom á fyrstu plötu The Doors en hét hún einfaldlega The Doors.
The Doors – People Are Strange : Annað lag eftir The Doors en þetta lag er vís eftir alla meðlimi hljómsveitarinnar.
Í augnablikinu eru The Doors í uppáhaldi hjá mér :)
Vegna þess að þessi listi átti svona meira að vera fyrir gullaldaráhugamenn að blaða í gegnum en ekki einhver ritgerð þá ætla ég að láta gott heita í bili og koma með lista af hinum lögunum sem komust inná þennan playlista og ég er að fíla í augnablikinu…
Allar ábendingar á góð lög og fallegar athugasemdir um minn tónlistarsmekk eru vel þegnar.
It's A Long Way To The Top (If You Wanna Rock ‘n’ Roll) AC/DC High Voltage
Thunderstruck AC/DC Thunderstruck
House Of The Rising Sun The Animals The Best Of The Animals
Good Vibrations The Beach Boys The Best Of The Beach Boys (Disc 2)
While My Guitar Gently Weeps 07:05 The Beatles 100
Greatest Guitar Solo's
She Loves You 02:22 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 1]
I Want To Hold Your Hand 02:26 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 1]
And I Love Her 02:31 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 1]
Eight Days A Week 02:45 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 1]
Ticket To Ride 03:10 The Beatles 1962-1966
[Disc 1]
Help! 02:20 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 2]
Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) 02:05
The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 2]
In My Life 02:27 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 2]
Paperback Writer 02:18 The Beatles 1962-1966 [Disc 2]
Strawberry Fields Forever 04:08 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 1]
Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds 03:27 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 1]
The Fool On The Hill 02:59 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 1]
Magical Mystery Tour 02:48 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 1]
Old Brown Shoe 03:20 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 2]
Here Comes The Sun 03:07 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 2]
Octopus's Garden 02:52 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 2]
The Long And Winding Road 03:37 The Beatles 1967-1970 [Disc 2]
Something 03:15 The Beatles Abbey Road
Across The Universe 03:44 The Beatles
Let It Be
The Long And Winding Road 03:34 The
Beatles Let It Be… Naked
There's A Place 01:52 The Beatles Please Please Me
Twist And Shout 02:33 The Beatles Please Please Me
Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite! 02:37 The Beatles Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Julia 02:54 The Beatles The Beatles (White Album) (Disc 1)
Helter Skelter 4.30 04:29 The Beatles White Album
Cry Baby Cry 03:10 The Beatles White Album
You Really Got A Hold On Me 03:02 The Beatles With The Beatles
Rebel Yell 04:47 Billy Idol Greatest Hits
Piano Man 05:35 Billy Joel
Paranoid 02:48 Black Sabbath The All
Time Greatest Rock Songs volume 1
No Woman, No Cry (Live) 07:11 Bob Marley & The Wailers Africa Unite: The Singles Collection
More Than A Feeling 04:43 Boston Pottþétt Rokk
Driven By You 04:11 Brian May Greatest Hits III
Silent Night 02:26 Brian May Live
Please Mr. Postman 02:47 The Carpenters Carpenters Gold Greatest Hits [Disc 2]
Who'll Stop The Rain 02:29 Creedence
Clearwater Revival Chronicle, Vol. 1
Have You Ever Seen The Rain? 02:39 Creedence Clearwater Revival Chronicle, Vol. 1
Rebel Rebel 04:30 David Bowie Pott Þétt Rokk 2
Space Oddity 05:15 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
Changes 03:35 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
Starman 04:18 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
Suffragette City 03:26 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
John, I'm Only Dancing 02:47 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
The Jean Genie 04:07 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
Life On Mars? 03:51 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 1]
Heroes 03:37 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 2]
Ashes To Ashes 04:24 David Bowie The Singles Collection [Disc 2]
Man Who Sold The World 03:54 David Bowie
Hush 04:28 Deep Purple 30 : Very best of
Smoke On The Water 05:38 Deep Purple Skonrokk - Diskur 2 - 40 Klassísk Rokklög
Hallelujah 03:41 Deep Purple The Platinum Collection (Disc 1)
Black Night [Single Version] 03:27 Deep Purple The Platinum Collection (Disc 1)
Child In Time 10:18 Deep Purple The Platinum Collection (Disc 1)
When A Blind Man Cries [1997 Remix] 03:30
Deep Purple The Platinum Collection (Disc 2)
Perfect Strangers [Live] 06:23 Deep Purple The Platinum Collection (Disc 3)
Child In Time (Live) 10:20 Deep Purple
Under The Gun
Woman From Tokyo (Live) 04:01 Deep Purple
Under The Gun
Black Night (Live) 05:59 Deep Purple Under The Gun
Holy Diver 05:54 Dio Collection
Don't Talk to Strangers 04:54 Dio Collection
The End 11:42 The Doors 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
Break On Through 02:28 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Light My Fire 07:06 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Crystal Ship 02:33 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
People Are Strange 02:11 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Strange Days 03:07 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Love Me Two Times 03:15 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Spanish Caravan 02:58 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 1)
Hello, I Love You 02:14 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 2)
Riders On The Storm 07:13 The Doors Best Of The Doors (Disc 2)
Twentieth Century Fox 02:34 The Doors Strange Days
Your Song 04:06 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 1]
Rocket Man (I Think It's Going To Be A Long, Long Time) 04:45 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 1]
Daniel 03:52 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 1]
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road 03:16 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 1]
Philadelphia Freedom 05:22 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 1]
Sad Songs (Say So Much) 04:10 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 2]
Can You Feel The Love Tonight? 04:02 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 2]
Circle Of Life 04:53 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 2]
This Train Don't Stop There Anymore 04:43 Elton John Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 2]
Written In The Stars 04:17 Elton John & LeAnn Rimes Greatest Hits 1970-2002 [Disc 2]
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 02:20 Elvis
Presley Love Songs
Jailhouse Rock 02:33 Elvis Presley Love Songs
Love Me Tender 02:48 Elvis Presley Love Songs
Layla 07:04 Eric Clapton Crossroads Disc 2
Layla (Unplugged) 04:29 Eric Clapton The All Time Greatest Rock Songs volume 1
Crossroads 04:15 Eric Clapton The Cream Of Clapton
Cocaine 03:37 Eric Clapton The Cream Of Clapton
Wonderful Tonight 03:43 Eric Clapton The Cream Of Clapton
Tears In Heaven 04:36 Eric Clapton
Bye Bye Love 02:25 The Everly Brothers
The Rock ‘n’ Roll Era - The Everly Brothers 1957 - 1962
I Walk The Line 03:29 Johnny Cash Johnny Cash at San Quentin
Bridge Over Trouble Water 03:55 Johnny Cash The Man Comes Around
Personal Jesus 03:20 Johnny Cash The Man Comes Around
Hurt 03:40 Johnny Cash Unearthed Disc 5
Ring of Fire 02:33 Johnny Cash
Paint It Black 02:51 Judas Priest
You Really Got Me 02:14 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Dead End Street 03:22 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Waterloo Sunset 03:18 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Death Of A Clown 03:12 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Autumn Almanac 03:11 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Days 02:54 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Lola 04:03 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 1)
Shangri - La 05:20 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 2)
God's Children 03:16 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 2)
Celluloid Heroes 06:22 The Kinks The Ultimate Collection (Disc 2)
Forever 03:53 Kiss Creatures of the night
I Was Made For Loving You 04:27 Kiss
Creatures of the night
Lick It Up 03:54 Kiss Creatures of the night
Goin' Back (Freddie Mercury As Larry Lurex) 03:22 Larry Lurex The Unobtainable Royal Chronicle Volume 1
The Song Remains The Same 05:29 Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
The Rain Song 07:39 Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
The Ocean 04:30 Led Zeppelin Houses Of The Holy
Immigrant Song 03:41 Led Zeppelin How The West Was Won [Disc 1]
Black Dog 05:40 Led Zeppelin How The West Was Won [Disc 1]
What Is And What Should Never Be 04:39 Led Zeppelin How The West Was Won [Disc 2]
Bring It On Home 09:29 Led Zeppelin How The West Was Won [Disc 3]
Heartbreaker 07:24 Led Zeppelin How the West Was Won Disc 1
Black Dog 04:57 Led Zeppelin IV
Rock & Roll 03:40 Led Zeppelin IV
The Battle Of Evermore 05:52 Led Zeppelin IV
Stairway To Heaven 08:03 Led Zeppelin IV
Misty Mountain Hop 04:38 Led Zeppelin IV
Four Sticks 04:45 Led Zeppelin IV
Going To California 03:31 Led Zeppelin IV
When The Levee Breaks 07:08 Led Zeppelin IV
Houses Of The Holy 04:03 Led Zeppelin Latter Days: Best Of Led Zeppelin, Vol.2
Achilles Last Stand 10:22 Led Zeppelin Latter Days: Best Of Led Zeppelin, Vol.2
Good Times Bad Times 02:46 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Babe I'm Gonna Leave You 06:41 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Dazed and Confused 06:26 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin I
Whole Lotta Love 05:34 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
What Is And What Should Never Be 04:45 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Thank You 04:49 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin II
Immigrant Song 02:23 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Celebration Day 03:28 Led Zeppelin Led Zeppelin III
Achilles Last Stand 10:23 Led Zeppelin Presence
Nobody's Fault But Mine 06:27 Led Zeppelin Presence
Free Bird 10:07 Lynyrd Skynyrd Meet Joe Black
All The Young Dudes 03:31 Mott The Hoople The All Time Greatest Rock Songs Volume 1 (Disc 2)
Love Hurts 03:53 Nazareth Greatest Hits Rock
Heart Of Gold 03:08 Neil Young The All Time Greatest Rock Songs volume 1 Rock
Neil Young - My My, Hey Hey 03:46 Neil Young
Money 06:22 Pink Floyd 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
Speak To Me/Breathe 03:59 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
On The Run 03:37 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Time 07:06 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The
The Great Gig In The Sky 04:49 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Us And Them 07:52 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Any Colour You Like 03:27 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Brain Damage 03:52 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Eclipse 02:01 Pink Floyd Dark Side Of The Moon
Wish You Were Here 04:48 Pink Floyd Delicate Sound Of Thunder (Disc 2)
The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 01:38 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (Disc 1)
Hey You 04:39 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best of Pink Floyd (Disc 1)
Shine On You Crazy Diamond (Parts 1-7) 17:32 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
The Fletcher Memorial Home 04:07 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
Comfortably Numb 06:53 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
When The Tigers Broke Free 03:42 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
One Of These Days 05:14 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
Arnold Layne 02:52 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
Wish You Were Here 05:21 Pink Floyd Echoes: The Best Of Pink Floyd (Disc 2)
Julia Dream 02:37 Pink Floyd Relics
Paranoid Eyes 03:42 Pink Floyd The Final
In The Flesh? 03:19 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
The Thin Ice 02:29 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
The Happiest Days Of Our Lives 01:51 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Mother 05:36 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Goodbye Blue Sky 02:48 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Empty Spaces 02:08 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Young Lust 03:30 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
One Of My Turns 03:37 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Don't Leave Me Now 04:17 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Another Brick In The Wall (Part 3) 01:14 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Goodbye Cruel World 01:17 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 1]
Is There Anybody Out There? 02:40 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Nobody Home 03:24 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Vera 01:33 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
The Show Must Go On 01:35 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
In The Flesh 04:17 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Run Like Hell 04:24 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Waiting For The Worms 03:58 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Stop 00:30 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
The Trial 05:20 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Outside The Wall 01:44 Pink Floyd The Wall [Disc 2]
Have a Cigar 05:08 Pink Floyd Wish You
Were Here
Brighton Rock 05:10 Queen 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
Good Old Fashioned Lover Boy 02:56 Queen A Day at the Races
You Take My Breath Away 05:10 Queen A Day At The Races
Long Away 03:35 Queen A Day At The Races
You And I 03:27 Queen A Day At The Races
Somebody To Love 04:58 Queen A Day At The Races
White Man 05:01 Queen A Day At The Races
Drowse 03:47 Queen A Day At The Races
A Kind Of Magic 04:24 Queen A Kind Of Magic
One Year Of Love 04:27 Queen A Kind Of Magic
Friends Will Be Friends 04:07 Queen A Kind Of Magic
Who Wants To Live Forever 05:17 Queen A Kind Of Magic
Forever 03:20 Queen A Kind Of Magic
Death On Two Legs 03:43 Queen A Night At The Opera
You're My Best Friend 02:52 Queen A Night At The Opera
'39 03:30 Queen A Night At The Opera
Sweet Lady 04:03 Queen A Night At The Opera
The Prophet's Song 08:20 Queen A Night At The Opera
Love Of My Life 03:38 Queen A Night At The Opera
Bohemian Rhapsody 05:54 Queen A Night At The Opera
Son and Daughter 07:08 Queen At the BBC
Thank God It's Christmas 04:19 Queen Greatest Hits III
Staying Power 04:12 Queen Hot Space
Put Out The Fire 03:19 Queen Hot Space
Life is Real (Song For Lennon) 03:32 Queen
Hot Space
Las Palabras de Amor (The Words of Love) 04:31 Queen Hot Space
Under Pressure 04:06 Queen Hot Space
I'm Going Slightly Mad 04:22 Queen Innuendo
Headlong 04:38 Queen Innuendo
Don't Try So Hard 03:39 Queen Innuendo
Ride The Wild Wind 04:42 Queen Innuendo
These Are The Days Of Our Lives 04:15 Queen
Bijou 03:36 Queen Innuendo
The Show Must Go On 04:35 Queen Innuendo
Mustapha 03:01 Queen Jazz
Fat Bottomed Girls 04:17 Queen Jazz
Jealousy 03:13 Queen Jazz
Bicycle Race 03:03 Queen Jazz
If You Can't Beat Them 04:15 Queen Jazz
Let My Entertain You 03:02 Queen Jazz
Dead On Time 03:23 Queen Jazz
In Only Seven Days 02:29 Queen Jazz
Dreamer's Ball 03:30 Queen Jazz
Don´t Stop My Now 03:29 Queen Jazz
One Vision 05:49 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium
Tie Your Mother Down 04:06 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium
In The Lap Of The Gods 02:29 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium
Love Of My Life 04:48 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (Disc 2)
Is The Is The World We Created 02:58 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (Disc 2)
Tutti Frutti 03:24 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (Disc 2)
Radio Ga Ga 05:57 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (Disc 2)
Tavaski Szel Vizet Araszt 01:04 Queen Live At Wembley Stadium (Disc 2)
Spread Your Wings 05:15 Queen Live Killers (Disc 2)
Brighton Rock (live) 12:17 Queen Live Killers (Disc 2)
Bohemian Rhapsody 06:01 Queen Live Killers (Disc 2)
Dreamer's Ball 03:42 Queen Live Killers [Disc 1]
'39 03:26 Queen Live Killers [Disc 1]
Made In Heaven 05:27 Queen Made In Heaven
Mother Love 04:51 Queen Made In Heaven Compact
Heaven For Everyone 05:38 Queen Made In Heaven Compact
Too Much Love Will Kill You 04:22 Queen Made In Heaven Compact
We Will Rock You 02:02 Queen News Of The World
We Are The Champions 03:01 Queen News Of The World
All Dead, All Dead 03:11 Queen News Of The World
Spread Your Wings 04:35 Queen News Of The World
Fight From The Inside 03:03 Queen News Of The World
Sleeping On The Sidewalk 03:08 Queen News Of The World
Who Needs You 03:06 Queen News Of The World
It's Late 06:26 Queen News Of The World
My Melancholy Blues 03:35 Queen News Of The World
Doing All Right 04:09 Queen Queen
Great King Rat 05:42 Queen Queen
My Fairy King 04:07 Queen Queen
The Night Comes Down 04:23 Queen Queen
Son And Daughter 03:20 Queen Queen
Seven Seas Of Rhye 01:10 Queen Queen
Father To Son 06:14 Queen Queen II
White Queen (As It Began) 04:36 Queen Queen II
Some Day One Day 04:22 Queen Queen II
The Fairy Feller's Master-Stroke 02:41 Queen Queen II
Nevermore 01:18 Queen Queen II
Funny How Love Is 02:50 Queen Queen II
Seven Seas Of Rhye 02:49 Queen Queen II
See What A Fool I've Been 04:38 Queen Queen II [Bonus Tracks]
The Hero 01:44 Queen Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 1)
We Will Rock You [Fast] 03:17 Queen Queen On
Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 1)
Play The Game 04:30 Queen Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 1)
Somebody To Love 07:53 Queen Queen On
Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 1)
Save Me 04:00 Queen Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 1)
Fat Bottomed Girls 05:25 Queen Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 2)
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 04:15 Queen Queen On Fire Live At The Bowl (Disc 2)
Killer Queen 03:00 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Tenement Funster 02:47 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Flick Of The Wrist 03:19 Queen Sheer
Heart Attack
Lily Of The Valley 01:43 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Now I'm Here 04:14 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Stone Cold Crazy 02:16 Queen Sheer Heart Attack Rock
Dear Friends 01:08 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Misfire 01:49 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
She Makes Me 04:09 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
In The Lap Of The Gods…Revisited 03:46 Queen Sheer Heart Attack
Play The Game 03:31 Queen The Game
Another One Bites The Dust 03:37 Queen The Game
Crazy Little Thing Called Love 02:44 Queen The Game
Sail Away Sweet Sister 03:33 Queen The Game
Save Me 03:52 Queen The Game
The Miracle 05:02 Queen The Miracle (IMPORT)
I Want It All 04:41 Queen The Miracle (IMPORT) Rock
The Invisible Man 03:57 Queen The Miracle (IMPORT)
Was It All Worth It 05:45 Queen The
Miracle (IMPORT)
Radio Gaga 05:51 Queen The Works
It's A Hard Life 04:10 Queen The Works
I Want To Break Free 03:22 Queen The Works
Keep Passing The Open Windows 05:24 Queen
The Works
Hammer To Fall 04:30 Queen The Works
Is This The World We Created ? 02:16 Queen The Works
Stargazer 08:27 Rainbow The Very Best of Rainbow
(I can't get no) Satisfaction 03:44 Rolling Stones Forty Licks
Paint It Black 03:46 Rolling Stones Forty Licks (1 of 2)
Wild Horses 05:43 Rolling Stones Jump Back: The Best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993
Start Me Up 03:34 Rolling Stones Jump Back:The Best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993
Emotional Rescue 05:40 Rolling Stones Jump Back:The Best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993
Beast Of Burden 03:29 Rolling Stones Jump Back:The Best of the Rolling Stones 1971-1993
Sympathy For The Devil 06:27 Rolling Stones - Keith Richards 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
Honky Tonk Woman 03:04 Rolling Stones - Keith Richards 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
The Trees 04:45 Rush Hemispheres
Speedy's Coming 03:33 Scorpions Gold (Disc 1)
Holiday 06:30 Scorpions Gold (Disc 1)
The Zoo 05:30 Scorpions Gold (Disc 1)
Dynamite 04:13 Scorpions Gold (Disc 1)
Blackout 03:47 Scorpions Gold (Disc 1)
No One Like You 03:57 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Big City Nights 04:08 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Still Loving You 06:25 Scorpions
Gold (Disc 2)
Rhythm Of Love 03:48 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Believe In Love 05:23 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
I Can't Explain 03:22 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Don't Believe Her 04:54 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Wind Of Change 05:11 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Send Me An Angel 04:32 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Under The Same Sun 04:52 Scorpions Gold (Disc 2)
Countdown (Live) 00:42 Scorpions World Wide Live
Coming Home (Live) 02:47 Scorpions World Wide Live
Blackout (Live) 04:34 Scorpions World Wide Live
Bad Boys Running Wild (Live) 03:52 Scorpions World Wide Live
Loving You Sunday Morning (Live) 04:41 Scorpions World Wide Live
Make it Real (Live) 03:53 Scorpions World Wide Live
Big City Nights (Live) 04:58 Scorpions World Wide Live
Coast to Coast (Live) 05:13 Scorpions World Wide Live
Holiday (Live) 03:23 Scorpions World Wide Live
Still Loving You (Live) 05:49 Scorpions World Wide Live
Rock You Like a Hurricane (Live) 04:15
Scorpions World Wide Live
Can't Live Without You (Live) 05:32 Scorpions World Wide Live
The Zoo (Live) 05:50 Scorpions World Wide Live
No One Like You (Live) 04:10 Scorpions World Wide Live
Dynamite (Live) 07:27 Scorpions World Wide Live
God Save The Queen 03:19 Sex Pistols The All Time Greatest Rock Songs volume 1
Mrs. Robinson 04:04 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best (Disc 2)
Old Friends/Bookends 03:57 Simon & Garfunkel
Tales From New York - The Very Best (Disc 2)
The Boxer 05:09 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best (Disc 2)
So Long, Frank Lloyd Wright 03:42 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very
Best (Disc 2)
Bridge Over Troubled Water 04:52 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very
Best (Disc 2)
Bye Bye Love 02:50 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best (Disc 2)
El Condor Pasa (If I Could) 03:07 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very
Best (Disc 2)
The Sound Of Silence (Single Version) 03:07 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
Wednesday Morning, 3 AM 02:15 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
Peggy-O 02:26 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
Homeward Bound 02:30 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
I Am A Rock 02:51 Simon & Garfunkel
Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
April Come She Will 01:51 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
Scarborough Fair/Canticle 03:12 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
Save The Life Of My Child 02:50 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very Best Of (Disc 1)
7 O'Clock News/Silent Night 02:02 Simon & Garfunkel Tales From New York - The Very
Best Of (Disc 1)
Step On Me 03:12 Smile The Unobtainable Royal Chronicle Volume 1
Unchained Melody 04:54 U2 The Best of 1980-1990 (Disc 2) Rock
Lady in Black 04:40 Uriah Heep Lady in Black
Easy Livin' 02:35 Uriah Heep Lady in Black
Salisbury 16:17 Uriah Heep Salisbury (Expanded De-Luxe Edition - Remaster)
Heroshima 02:34 Utangarðsmenn Pottþétt Rokk
Hot for Teacher 04:44 Van Halen 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
Jump 04:01 Van Halen The All Time Greatest Rock Songs Volume 1 (Disc 2)
Top Gun 04:10 Van Halen
You Really Got Me 02:38 Van Halen - Dave
Davies 100 Greatest Guitar Solo's
My Generation 03:18 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
The Kids Are Alright 02:46 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Substitute 03:48 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
I'm A Boy 02:37 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Magic Bus 03:20 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Pinball Wizard 03:02 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Summertime Blues [Live] 03:24 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Behind Blue Eyes 03:41 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
05:15 04:52 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Who Are You 05:07 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
Old Red Wine 03:43 The Who Then And Now (1964-2004)
1921 02:49 The Who Tommy
Tommy Can You Hear Me? 01:36 The Who Tommy
Baba O'Riley 05:00 The Who Who's Next
Love Ain't for Keeping 02:10 The Who Who's Next
The Song Is Over 06:18 The Who Who's Next
Getting In Tune 04:49 The Who Who's Next
Going Mobile 03:43 The Who Who's Next
Green 03:15 Wreckage
Gimme All Your Loving 03:59 ZZ Top The All Time Greatest Rock Songs Volume 1 (Disc 2)
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