Ross: What disposable cameras?
Chandler: The cameras? Remember last night I told you to take them?
Ross: No you didn’t.
Chandler: Yes! Remember? Right before we cut the cake, I went up to you and I said…
Ross: Oh-oh yeah, you-you came up to me and asked if I could do you a favor, and my Uncle Murray came up to you and handed you a check. And then you said, “Why do they call it a check? Why not a Yugoslavian?” (Chandler laughs.) Yeah, then you did that.

8 simple Rules:

Bridget: See mom thinks im ready to drive.
Paul: Mom also thought i was ready for fatherhood.

Paul: Hey hey no fighting…… So close to the tv.

Paul: The first word you ever said was no. Now you act as if you've never heard it before. Its a good word. no NO NOO! You understand what im saying?
Bridgette: no

Paul: Nowadays cheerleading is quailified as a legitimate sport.
Kerry: Sport? Ha!
Cate: Besides, it would look good on Bridget's college application.
Kerry: College? Ha!

Paul: Where's Rory?
(He comes in through the back door.)
Rory: It's no fun egging your own house.

Paul: (to Bridget) Where's your mother?
Kyle: (thinking Paul's talking to him) At home.
Paul: No, I mean her mother.
Kyle: My grandmother?
Paul: (slowly) No, Bridget's mother.
Kyle: (slowly) How should I know?

(After Kerry gets the puppy)
Kerry: Oh thank you daddy!I promise to feed him and bathe him and play with him.
(Reffering to Kyle)Bridget: Me too!

(All family talking about christmas gifts in the mall)
Cate: Allright kids, let's look for your father
Bridget: Is dad not our father ?!!

Kerry:(to bridget) I didn't know you liked to read……I didn't know you could read!

Cate: Girls - zuccunni or broccoli?
Bridget: For dinner?
Kerry No…she's making a hat.

Jim(grandpa): Aren't you a little old to be playing with a dummy?
Rory: Aren't you a little old?

Höfðar svona mest til þeirra sem hafa fylgst með þáttunum og þekkja persónunar en þetta eru svona nokkur af uppáhalds “quote-unum” mínum :D