Svo er líka Bamboozled þátturinn ótrúlega fyndinn, nokkrar ómetanlegar línur eru c.a. svona:
Rachel's mom: And all those dinosaur knick-knacks, don't you think they would be more at home in the garage?
Ross: We don't have a garage.
Rachel's mom: Did I say garage. I ment garbage.(hún ber þetta fram svo fyndið, gar-badj)
Ross kemur inn mjög sveittur: I just Bamboozeld(spelling, help people) Chandler! (þögn) That is not a sexual thing.
Ross: I'm sorry, you have been Bamboozled, you are going to be a terrible mother. I've lost sight of why we are doing this. <br><br><b><a href="“>–Mariakr c”,)</a>
<font color=“#008080”><b>Tilvitnun:</b><br><hr><i>B-E-A-utiful!</i><br><hr></b>
<b>Bruce Nolan (Jim Carrey)</b></font>
<b>Nemo: “We have trouble.”
Mr. Hyde: “Trouble? I call it sport!”</b>
<font color=“#008000”><b><u>“Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.”</b></u>þýðir
<b><u>“Aldrei skal kitla sofandi dreka.”</b> </u></font>