
Einhverjir notendur kannast nú sennilega við þessa þætti enda voru þeir sýndir á RÚV á sínum tíma. Framleiddar voru þrjár seríur en eins og svo algengt er með breska þætti voru ekki nema 6 þættir í hverri seríu, eða 18 þættir alls. Sumir segja samt að það hafi verið ágætt þar sem þættirnir í seinni tveimur seríunum voru svolítið misjafnir að gæðum. Seríurnar komu út 2000, 2002 og 2004 og unnu fyrsta og þriðja serían BAFTA verðlaunin fyrir besta “sitcom” þáttinn.
Sögusvið þáttanna í flestum tilfellum er bókabúðin Black Books, sem heitir eftir eigandanum Bernard Black. Af hverju Bernard stendur í búðarekstri er í raun óskiljanlegt. Hann er pirraður og orðljótur við viðskiptavinina og líður best þegar þeir eru ekki í búðinni. Hann situr allan daginn við skrifborðið sitt og reykir í búðinni og jafnvel drekkur ef honum sýnist svo. Bernard hugsar lítið um eigið útlit og er alltaf úfinn og tuskulegur og ástandið á búðinni er á svipuðum nótum. Bernard býr baka til í búðinni og á efri hæðinni og þar er ástandið eins.
Eini vinur Bernards er vinkona hans Fran sem rekur einhverja undarlega “gift shop” í næsta húsi við hliðina. Eftir fyrstu seríuna er aldrei minnst á þessa búð aftur. Fran er aðeins lífsglaðari en Bernard en sennilega álíka mikil fyllibytta og saman lifa þau frekar óspennandi lífi þangað til að þriðja og síðasta aðalpersóna þáttanna birtist, Manny. Manny er furðulegur síðhærður maður sem á það til að lenda í ótrúlegustu ævintýrum, oftast algjörlega fyrir mistök. Í fyrsta þættinum kemur hann í bókabúðina til að fjárfesta í “The Little Book of Calm” en tekst einhvern veginn að gleypa bókina og við það færist stóísk ró yfir hann og hann vitnar í bókina í sífellu.
Í næsta þætti vaknar Bernard svo eftir mikið fyllerís sukk og áttar sig á því að hann hefur ráðið Manny í vinnu. Manny er í rauninni allt sem Bernard er ekki, vinalegur við viðskiptavini og áhugasamur um að reksturinn gangi vel og Bernard hatar það en ákveður samt að halda honum og Manny flytur inn til hans. Upphefst þá mjög stormasamt samband Bernards og Manny sem kostulegt er að fylgjast með í gegnum seríurnar. Bernard og Manny eru í raun eins og svart og hvítt og mynda kostulegt tvíeyki með uppátækjum sínum og skakkaföllum.
Að lokum, svona aðeins til yndisauka, greinin endar í raun hér, eru hér stuttar lýsingar af Wikipedia af nokkrum þáttum sem ég hef sérstakt dálæti á. Á Wikipedia getur maður líka séð lista yfir alla aukaleikarana sem komu fyrir í þáttunum, sem voru þó nokkir, misfrægir þó.
101: Cooking the Books - After his accountant flees the police, Bernard is faced with the daunting prospect of doing his own taxes, and resorts to pairing his socks, getting drunk with Jehovah's Witnesses and trying to seriously injure himself to avoid them. Manny, an accountant, enters Black Books for the first time in order to buy the Little Book of Calm on his way to work and, against all odds, manages to swallow it. Fran is bedevilled by a weird, unfathomable sphere that isn't actually ‘a bald furby’. Chaos, naturally, ensues. (Guest stars Martin Freeman as Manny's doctor and Rupert Vansittart as the tasteful customer.)
103: The Grapes of Wrath - When the sheer filth of the bookshop becomes too much to handle, Manny calls a creepy cleaner and Bernard reluctantly agrees to housesit a friend's house. Unfortunately, the two manage to drink a very expensive bottle of wine that was due to be presented to the Pope, and have to figure of a way of either replacing it before he gets home or think of a present better than a box of pencils to compensate for it. Fran, meanwhile, goes on a date with a very nice man which is, unfortunately, nothing short of disastrous. (Held að þessi sé minn uppáhalds).
104: The Blackout - On his birthday, Manny stays up all night watching The Sweeney and drinking espresso. Thinking he's a seventies cop, he manages to go from eyeing old men suspiciously in the bookshop to being trapped at the local police station helping a real detective put the ‘good cop, bad cop’ routine on a local villain. Bernard explains how going to a party eventually led to a broken arm while Fran describes the steps from seeing her boyfriend having dinner with another woman to being in hospital with a neck injury.
106: He's Leaving Home - Bernard finally breaks the last straw (well, technically the last yo-yo string) with his constant bullying, and Manny decides to leave home, but doesn't even manage to let Bernard know about this without being attacked by a bee in a telephone box and finding himself on the streets. He is soon picked up by a photographer with a beard fetish and treated to a glamourous life of expensive clothes, silk sheets and crinkle-cut crisps in silver bowls, but such high living comes at a high price. (Guest starring Omid Djalili as Trebor the photographer. Also features David Walliams (Little Britain) as a customer at the beginning of the episode)
201: The Entertainer - Fran decides to learn the piano and enlists the services of an elderly blind foreign tutor. His harsh methods and her inability to master it after five minutes instantly lead her to wanting to quit. Manny discovers he can play the piano purely on instinct, and against all odds Bernard gets a date with an attractive woman. As a result, Fran and Bernard bribe Manny to hide inside the piano, armed with only spoons, in an attempt to make themselves look good.
301: Manny Come Home - Fran comes home after a holiday in Cornwall to find that following an introduction between Manny's hand and a sandwich toaster, Bernard is living amongst mouldy books and dead badgers, and Manny is working next door at the extremely glossy Goliath Books, where he is decidedly out of place amongst creepy manager Evan and his army of hyper-efficient pastel-shirted followers. Armed with only a “doo-ti-to-doo” card and an endless supply of muffins, Manny manages to resist Fran's rather self-serving attempts to drag him back to Bernard so that she has somewhere to hang out. Bernard's physical condition deteriorates rapidly without Manny's care, but Manny is soon questioning his choice of career as Evan demands an unthinkable sacrifice. (Guest starring Simon Pegg (Shaun of the Dead)as Evan)
302: Elephants and Hens - Fran leaves for the weekend to go to her friend Becky's hen party while Bernard and Manny, inspired by their latest children's books event, decide to write and illustrate a book for children. Bernard's first effort comes to over 1,000 pages, covers Stalin, a lens grinder, a broken marriage and a journalist in search of the truth and is possibly a little complex for kids. The subsequent masterpiece The Elephant and the Balloon could however lead them to international fame - and all the problems that come with it. Fran's hen party, meanwhile, is as disastrous as can be expected, thanks to a combination of Bananarama, a game of truth and bottles of alcohol possessing “a polar bear… bleeding on the label”.
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