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Ég segi eins og Janice “OHHH MYYY GOOODDD !!!”. Ég var búinn að eyða heilmiklum tíma í að þýða þetta og næstum búinn að því en þá FROSNAÐI ****** TALVAN !!!! [ég var kannski með ofmikið í gangi í einu] Ég nenndi alls ekki að skrifa þetta allt aftur upp en mig langaði samt að sýna ykkur þetta þannig að ég copy-aði þetta.
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Okay we Learned that Phoebe is the oldest because she is 31, although she thought she was only 30.
However, we know that Ross is a year older then Monica, who just turned thirty, so that makes Ross the same age as Phoebe.
We also found out that Joey is a few months older then Chandler. We know this because when they flashed back to Joey's 30th birthday party, he screams “Why God Why?” Then when they again flash back but for Chandler's Bday gathering Joey now yells “Now Chandler, why God why? This indicates that Joey already turned 30 probably a couple of months before. Rachel seems to be the youngest, because her birthday celebration is last, and they all share with her their past thirtieth birthday experiences.
But . . . . . .
The writers seemed to have made a mistake. First of all, Joey, who was 31 in the season premiere is now 30 again and he and god have a new deal where he wont turn 31?? that doesn't make sense. Remember when Joey was acting 19 (or trying anyway…) the folllowing gets said:
Joey: ”You got it. Okay. Now, I can pass for 19 right?!“
Chandler: ”Yes, you can pass for 19.“
Joey: ”Really?“
Chandler: ”Yes!“
Joey: ”Seriously?“
Chandler: ”Seriously? Seriously, no! You can play your own age which is 31!“
Joey: (gasps) ”I’m 30!“
Rachel: ”Joey, you are not! You’re 31.“
Joey: (realizes) ”Aww crap!“
Also, Rachel was 28 in season 3 when she quit working at central perk. This is from ”TOW Rachel Quits:“
Rachel: ”I don’t know, I mean I would give anything to work for a
designer, y'know, or a buyer…. Oh, I just don’t want to be 30 and still work here.“
Chandler: ”Yeah, that’d be much worse than being 28, and still working here.“
So Rachel has to be at least 31 possibly 32 by now. also that means Monica is too, and Ross is a year older.
However, we know TV time is different then real life. Afterall Ross' son looks like he's 10 when he should only be like 4.
In ”TOW The Ick Factor“ Monica says she is 25 and 13 months. :
MONICA: ”Listen, uh, you told me something that was really difficult for you. And I, I-I figured if you could be honest, then I can to.“
ETHAN: ”Oh god, don´t tell me, I did it wrong.“
MONICA: ”No no. Nothing wrong about that. “
MONICA: ”Um, okay, here it goes. I´m not 22. I´m, I´m 25… and thirteen
months. “
Now chandler, im assuming, is the same age as Ross since they went to college together. That could be totally wrong though since well there are many ways that they could be different ages so I dont really have anything to say about that.
I remember somewhere in the first season Joey being 25. he said that in an episode but i dont know which one. Then in ”TOW The Jam," when monica is reading through all the sperm bank form things she finds joeys that says:
MONICA: Okay, all right, how's this? 27. Italian-American guy. He's an actor, born in Queens. Wow, big family, seven sisters, and he's the only….boy. (they all turn and look at Joey) Oh my God, under personal comments: ‘New York Knicks, rule!’
Now, I dont know if they update these things but if he was 25 in season one that would make him 27 in season three and 31 in season 7 when Rachel and Chandler told him he was 31, not 30.
Anyway, well I guess that we don't *really* know how old any of them are lol. But they are all supposed to be 30 and 31 now.