Nú er það vitað að allir elska Joey, hann er einfaldlega skemmtilegasti karakterinn í Friends. Hann hefur á margar gulllínur í þáttunum og vil ég gefa dæmi og vona ég að fleiri dæmi koma.
Joey: “Let me get this straight: He got you to beg to sleep with him, he got you to say he never has to call you again, and he got you thinking that this is a great idea?”
Phoebe: “ Uh-huh”
Joey: “ this man is my god”.

Joey to Ross: “ you broke the code… You don´t kiss your friend´s mom. Sisters are okay, maybe a hot lookin´ aunt, but not a mom, never a mom.

Joey: ” Hey I don´t need violence to enjoy a movie. So long as there´s a little nudity.

Joey to Ross: “ So let me get this straight, if you pick Bonnie, you are doing the healthy thing and moving on, but if you pick Rachel, Bonnie´s free tonight?”

Endilega komið með fleiri brilliant línur frá Joey
