Mig langaði að vekja athygli á manni sem mér finnst vera algjör snilld í friends. Það er nágranni þeirra af neðri hæðinni, sem dó reyndar í annarri seríu en hefur samt komið með svo mikil SNILLDAR komment að ég VERÐ að geta hans!
Það er hann Mr. Heckles! Hann var leikinn af Larry Hankin, og það er í raun snilld að hann skuli hafa þurft að deyja! :)
Hérna eru koma samræður milli hans og vinanna sem hafa birst í þáttunum:

Rachel: Hi, we just found this cat and are looking for its owner
Mr. Heckles: Eh…yeah…it´s mine
Pheobe: He seems to hate you…are you sure?
Mr. Heckles: Yeah, it´s my cat. Give me my cat.
Pheobe: Wait a minute…what´s his name?
Mr. Heckles: Ehhh…B-Buttens
Rachel: Bob Buttens?
Mr. Heckles: Mmm…here Bob Buttens
Pheobe: Oooh! You are a very bad man!
Mr. Heckles: You ow me a cat!

Monica: Hello, Mr. Heckles.
Mr. Heckles: You're doing it again.
Monica: We're not doing anything.
Mr. Heckles: You're stomping. It's disturbing my birds.
Rachel: You don't have birds.
Mr. Heckles: I could have birds.
Monica: Okay, Mr. Heckles, we'll try to keep it down.
Mr. Heckles: Thank you. I'm going to rejoin my dinner party.
Rachel: All right, bye-bye.

Monica: Hi, Mr. Heckles.
Mr. Heckles: You're doing it again.
Monica: We're not doing anything. We're just sitting around talking, quietly.
Mr. Heckles: I can hear you through the ceiling. My cats can't sleep.
Rachel: You don't even have cats.
Mr. Heckles: I could have cats.

Heckles: What do you want?
Monica: Mr. Heckles. Our, our friend's lost a monkey. Have you seen it?
Heckles: I left a Belgian waffle out here. Did you take it?
Monica: No!
Pheobe: Why would you leave your Belgian waffle in the hall?
Heckles: I wasn't ready for it.
Monica: The monkey? Have you seen a monkey?
Heckles: Saw Regis Philbin once…
Pheobe: OK. Thank you Mr. Heckles
Heckles: You owe me a waffle.

Ross: Hi, did you order some bananas?
Mr. Heckles: What about it?
Ross: Gimme back my monkey.
Mr. Heckles: I don't have a monkey.
Rachel: Then what's with all the bananas?
Mr. Heckles: Potassium.
Ross: Marcel? Marcel? Okay, where is he? Where is he? Marcel? Marcel?
(Marcel kemur fram í bleikum kjól)
Ross: Marcel! What've you done to him?
Mr. Heckles: That's my monkey. That's Patti, Patti the monkey.
Ross: Are you insane? C'mere, Marcel, c'mon. (Marcel leggur af stað til hans)
Mr. Heckles: C'mere, Patti. (Marcel snýr við)
Ross: C'mere, Marcel. (snýr til Ross)
Mr. Heckles: C'mere, Patti. (Ætlar til Mr. Heckles)
Luisa: Here, monkey. Here, monkey! Here, monkey! (Marcel hleypur til dyra og inn í búrið sem Luisa er með, og hún lokar því) Gotcha.
Ross: Okay, gimme my monkey back.
Mr. Heckles: That's my monkey.
Luisa: You're both gonna have to take this up with the judge.
Mr. Heckles: That's not my monkey. Just the dress is mine, you can send that back whenever.
Ross: Alright, I want my monkey.

Phoebe: No, no, Mr. Heckles no one is making any noise up here.
Mr. Heckles: You're disturbing my oboe practice.
Phoebe: You don't play the oboe!
Mr. Heckles: I could play the oboe!
Phoebe: Then I'm gonna have to ask you to keep it down.

Mr. Heckles: (við Eric(sem átti að verða herbergisfélagi Chandlers) Who are you?
Eric: Hi, I'm Eric, I'm gonna be Chandler's new roommate.
Mr. Heckles: I'm Chandler's new roommate.
Eric: I-I-I don't think so.
Mr. Heckles: I could be Chandler's new roommate.
Eric: But, he told me over the phone.
Mr. Heckles: He told me in person.
Eric: That's weird.
Mr. Heckles: Well, I'm going to go into my new apartment now. (fer að hurðinni og opnar) Ehh! (Eric fer)

jæja…þetta er allt og sumt sem ég er með…en endilega bætið við! :)